
You know, “We, the people” certainly doesn’t mean the government/SCOTUS. You ARE the people, fight for your rights

I say this as a Canadian. You're a country created via a goddamn revolution. You guys used to fight for your rights and it was badass. We all read about MLK and anti viet nam war protests in our Canadian history books, because it was that big and that important. Now you don't make international news for mass walkouts, you make the news because your cops are killing your citizens and your government is so incompetent that the real power is in the hands of a bunch of unelected grandpas. Snap out of it USA, and take back your country. You ARE the people. Not your billionaires, not congress, not SCOTUS, YOU.

I say this as a Canadian. You're a country created via a goddamn revolution. You guys used to fight for your rights and it was badass. We all read about MLK and anti viet nam war protests in our Canadian history books, because it was that big and that important.

Now you don't make international news for mass walkouts, you make the news because your cops are killing your citizens and your government is so incompetent that the real power is in the hands of a bunch of unelected grandpas. Snap out of it USA, and take back your country. You ARE the people. Not your billionaires, not congress, not SCOTUS, YOU.

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