
You win. WFH is the norm. But they’re just gonna make 80 hrs/wk WFH be the norm too.

You should take some lessons from the boomers that thought robotic manufacturing would increase production and reduce labor to the point we could live in luxury. Yes, this is a boomer idea. Look at boomer media depiction of the future. The luxurious world of the Jetsons still has people working where jobs require comedically little work and are an archaic concept. You don't see Marty McFly's future stalemated with the workload increased, you see him in more luxury. Because the fantasy was machines would do the work, people could live to pursue their dreams. Technological advancements in practice does the opposite of the fantasy. The increased production capabilities of new machines results in workers having to work more to operate the machines. Slaves at the time of the civil war worked far more than at the time of the country's founding. The Constitution gave the south 20 years of unregulated…

You should take some lessons from the boomers that thought robotic manufacturing would increase production and reduce labor to the point we could live in luxury.

Yes, this is a boomer idea. Look at boomer media depiction of the future. The luxurious world of the Jetsons still has people working where jobs require comedically little work and are an archaic concept. You don't see Marty McFly's future stalemated with the workload increased, you see him in more luxury.

Because the fantasy was machines would do the work, people could live to pursue their dreams.

Technological advancements in practice does the opposite of the fantasy. The increased production capabilities of new machines results in workers having to work more to operate the machines.

Slaves at the time of the civil war worked far more than at the time of the country's founding. The Constitution gave the south 20 years of unregulated slave trading because the founding fathers thought that technological advancements would phase out slaves. But the invention of the cotton gin resulted in slave workload increasing.

WFH is hated now because the core of the American power structure is operated by boomers that hate computers, can't operate a zoom meeting and can't convert a file to PDF, and cant learn how to manage any programs related to WFH. But as soon as they all die out and pass companies on to their kids (I'm kidding, their business partners will just give the company to a multinational) we will see WFH be the measure by which people are paid less to work more

Because why should you only work 40 hours under WFH?

When you eat, sleep, and bathe within 15 footsteps of your workplace, why should you get more leisure time than the bare necessary leisure time?

What is bare necessary amount of leisure time you need? 56 hours of sleep a week, 40 hours of leisure? If you can hustle you can get that down to 30, 20, 15 hours of leisure a week, 30, 25 hours of sleep.

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