
“You’ll make better tips if you just wear a sports bra.”

I'm a 24-year-old recent college grad. I work for an outdoor leadership company that does hiking and adventure type trips. Everything from big multi-day, international expeditions to local day hikes here in the southeast. Last weekend I was leading a hike with my boss and he said to me, “You know you'll make better tips if you just wear a sports bra.” He didn't say it in a flirty way. It was more matter of fact. Obviously I don't think he has the power to choose my wardrobe for me. But he does sign my paycheck every week. So what should I do? Ignore it? Say something? Anyone with thoughts or advice, let me know.

I'm a 24-year-old recent college grad. I work for an outdoor leadership company that does hiking and adventure type trips. Everything from big multi-day, international expeditions to local day hikes here in the southeast.

Last weekend I was leading a hike with my boss and he said to me, “You know you'll make better tips if you just wear a sports bra.” He didn't say it in a flirty way. It was more matter of fact. Obviously I don't think he has the power to choose my wardrobe for me. But he does sign my paycheck every week.

So what should I do? Ignore it? Say something? Anyone with thoughts or advice, let me know.

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