
Young and tired

Hi, I'll start by saying that I'm 23 y/o in March and it's been almost full 2 years since getting my first job, which I quit because I was treated like a subhuman. I don't know if my trade is relevant here but I'm a massage therapist and have been doing it for a year after proper school etc etc. I love my job, I really do. I feel, however, that even though I provide quality service, quality massages and have no trouble talking with hotel guests and such, I'm treated like shit from higher ups. Just recently found a new massage place and told my current job I'm leaving unless I get much better pay and hours (my hours were so shit my pay barely covered RENT even with a side gig I was required to provide days off so I could get scheduled clients.) My new manager really…


I'll start by saying that I'm 23 y/o in March and it's been almost full 2 years since getting my first job, which I quit because I was treated like a subhuman. I don't know if my trade is relevant here but I'm a massage therapist and have been doing it for a year after proper school etc etc.

I love my job, I really do. I feel, however, that even though I provide quality service, quality massages and have no trouble talking with hotel guests and such, I'm treated like shit from higher ups. Just recently found a new massage place and told my current job I'm leaving unless I get much better pay and hours (my hours were so shit my pay barely covered RENT even with a side gig I was required to provide days off so I could get scheduled clients.) My new manager really tried hard for me and what did I get? After working there for a year I only got from 18pln/hr to 19.60pln/hr (which is practically nothing) where my coworker got from 18/hr to 22/hr even though I've been here longer. Getting the best kind of contract (salary) is impossible even though I've been told 2 separate times they were looking into it.

I've been so desperate that I applied to any job I could find in my area and no one replied except the new job I got only because my coworker said he's leaving it and I could take his place.

Are young people just hated or what? I'm not broke but I'm slowly and steadily heading this way. I don't think I could make it if I wanted to rebrand because I still have to work and doing basically unpaid internships for unis is a no go while studying for me since I can't go back to my mom because there is no place for me to stay.

You can call me lazy or stupid or both because there are people who work many jobs and study and even have kids and are doing fine but I just don't think I'm capable of it because of the whole situation.

Sorry for the rant and even if it is stupid I still had to share it somewhere at least so thanks for reading

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