
Your hard work can’t be waged

I’ve worked for this company for (a rocky) 5 years. The work culture used to be my ideal, but since 2020 and WFH started the management and team morale have dropped significantly. People have been laid off, amazing employees quit, and while the number of people keep dropping the work load hasn’t changed. While I am privileged to WFH, this email feels like I’m a number on a spreadsheet worthy of a copy/paste, poorly formatted email. I would have preferred a simple “thank you” email instead of an instant reminder that a work anniversary does not equal a pay raise.

I’ve worked for this company for (a rocky) 5 years. The work culture used to be my ideal, but since 2020 and WFH started the management and team morale have dropped significantly. People have been laid off, amazing employees quit, and while the number of people keep dropping the work load hasn’t changed. While I am privileged to WFH, this email feels like I’m a number on a spreadsheet worthy of a copy/paste, poorly formatted email.
I would have preferred a simple “thank you” email instead of an instant reminder that a work anniversary does not equal a pay raise.

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