
Your KPIs improved too much? We’re going to accuse you of a cybercrime.

I (46f) work in a warehouse and I have production number requirements. I get moved around to different departments multiple times per day so my numbers aren't quite as good as they should be. My nice supervisor had a conversation with me a couple of weeks ago about it and we agreed on a strategy to help me achieve the required goals. She's mostly kept her side of our plan, keeping me in one department so I can reach the next level. We had this conversation at the supervisor's desk on the floor. After a week of me working crazy hard I got called to the office. Nice supervisor (NS) and mean supervisor (MS) were there. This was very unusual and I thought they'd called me in because my numbers were still bad and they were going to discipline me or put me on a formal performance improvement plan. The…

I (46f) work in a warehouse and I have production number requirements. I get moved around to different departments multiple times per day so my numbers aren't quite as good as they should be. My nice supervisor had a conversation with me a couple of weeks ago about it and we agreed on a strategy to help me achieve the required goals. She's mostly kept her side of our plan, keeping me in one department so I can reach the next level. We had this conversation at the supervisor's desk on the floor.

After a week of me working crazy hard I got called to the office. Nice supervisor (NS) and mean supervisor (MS) were there. This was very unusual and I thought they'd called me in because my numbers were still bad and they were going to discipline me or put me on a formal performance improvement plan.

The conversation went like this:

MS: What have you been doing since you talked with NS to improve your numbers?

Me: I've stopped helping people, stayed in my assigned area, and streamlined my process to get faster.

NS: All the things we talked about.

MS: What else have you been doing?

Me: I don't know what else there is. I'm doing my best. I worked piece work before so I took that approach to my work here.

MS: Your numbers have improved so much that it's impossible for one person to have done that without hacking the system and changing their numbers.

Me: (Completely dumbfounded) How would I even do that? What are you saying?

MS: These are your numbers. They're insanely over target. How did you do that?

NS: Are you sure you haven't done anything? Are you sure?

After that the conversation devolved into me offering to demonstrate how I was able to make these impossible numbers and asking how I was supposed to go forward when I have no way of knowing what my numbers are. I don't really remember much, I was really taken aback by the accusation and I was crying the whole time.

I went back to work just trying to process the whole situation and I have to admit that I was really thrown off by the whole thing. NS seemed to be hovering around me and asking me if I was okay. How the hell am I supposed to answer that. Clearly I'm not okay, I was just subjected to a huge accusation with no proof and it was all done in private so I have no witness. There's no union so I don't have that kind of protection either.

I'm actually furious. How do they make this accusation without proof? I haven't done anything wrong. How dare they question my integrity! And when I'm mad, I work harder. So that's counter productive for them because they want me to keep my numbers lower so I'm closer to target.

This morning (I work afternoons) I contacted hr. I didn't get through so I left a message. I'm also thinking about contacting an employment lawyer. My husband is super angry too. He knows I'm not very tech savvy and I wouldn't know how to hack into any kind of system. I have to go to work soon but I really want to call in. I'm having a lot of anxiety but I need to go to work so I can get a meeting with hr.

I don't know how to approach this. What do I say? Should I get a lawyer involved? Is this the start of a campaign to get me to quit? I'm completely lost here.

Tl;Dr: my production numbers were bad and after a conversation about it I improved my numbers so much in such a short period of time I'm now suspected of hacking their computer system to change my numbers when in reality I just started working really hard and improved my process to be as efficient as possible.

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