
Your life isn’t yours.

95% of the world's population don't own their own life. Your life, otherwise known as your time, the precious seconds we have on this fleeting rock in space, belong to the 1%-ers. You, me, our parents, our siblings, our children, are nothing but labor ants feeding the billionaires until we keel over and die. The same billionaires who already have more than they could ever use/consume in multiple lifetimes. The bane of humanity and it's greatest sin… extreme greed.

95% of the world's population don't own their own life. Your life, otherwise known as your time, the precious seconds we have on this fleeting rock in space, belong to the 1%-ers. You, me, our parents, our siblings, our children, are nothing but labor ants feeding the billionaires until we keel over and die. The same billionaires who already have more than they could ever use/consume in multiple lifetimes. The bane of humanity and it's greatest sin… extreme greed.

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