
Your manager is more enslaved than you are

Many people here will agree that our society is an energy-siphoning farm that expects us to waste away the majority of our valuable and limited waking hours of life slaving away for a corporation in exchange for debt-based money, often “just to survive”. Often, people show animosity toward their “oppressors” who work in management. But the truth is that managers are even more enslaved than the low-level workers. The higher and higher one moves up corporate hierarchy, the more they are expected to give to the corporation, to the point that eventually one becomes essentially “married” to the company. High ranking managers and executives basically have no life. They are expected to work absurd hours for the company, and often are still working even when “off” or on “vacation”. They are expected to answer emails and calls at absurd hours by their “superior”. Even CEOs of Fortune 500 companies lose…

Many people here will agree that our society is an energy-siphoning farm that expects us to waste away the majority of our valuable and limited waking hours of life slaving away for a corporation in exchange for debt-based money, often “just to survive”.

Often, people show animosity toward their “oppressors” who work in management. But the truth is that managers are even more enslaved than the low-level workers.

The higher and higher one moves up corporate hierarchy, the more they are expected to give to the corporation, to the point that eventually one becomes essentially “married” to the company.

High ranking managers and executives basically have no life. They are expected to work absurd hours for the company, and often are still working even when “off” or on “vacation”. They are expected to answer emails and calls at absurd hours by their “superior”. Even CEOs of Fortune 500 companies lose their entire lives to the corporation they work for and barely spend time with their family, so their spoiled brat kids are depressed and suicidal even though they have “everything”.

Escaping this trap can only happen through realization of the absurdity of the cult belief that we must work all the time under the fantasy that we will one day become the parasite siphoning other people’s energy, while calling it “ambition”.

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