
“You’re so important, we need you” but not important enough to breath

Remembering the time my horrible manger was doing a reconstruction job for the clients for the building I work at. Working 12 hours for the weekends from 7am till 7pm cause they were too cheap and lazy to hire someone for first shift. Me and night shift had to work 12 as they spoon fed us lies about how they're looking for someone. When I asked my boss to hurry up finding someone I'd get the same sob story of how no one wants to work weekends and it's mostly retired people and blah blah blah. I know they were lying since my boyfriend went to them first for hiring to help me not working 12 hours and they rejected him. What I really remember was having my desk top being covered in dust from my manger's great idea of putting my station in the middle of a construction zone…

Remembering the time my horrible manger was doing a reconstruction job for the clients for the building I work at. Working 12 hours for the weekends from 7am till 7pm cause they were too cheap and lazy to hire someone for first shift. Me and night shift had to work 12 as they spoon fed us lies about how they're looking for someone. When I asked my boss to hurry up finding someone I'd get the same sob story of how no one wants to work weekends and it's mostly retired people and blah blah blah. I know they were lying since my boyfriend went to them first for hiring to help me not working 12 hours and they rejected him.

What I really remember was having my desk top being covered in dust from my manger's great idea of putting my station in the middle of a construction zone with no mask or safety gear. The construction workers would come in at 8am and again genius idea from my manger of instead having them till 1pm she told them 4pm. The construction workers cared more about my health then my work since they always ask where my mask is. It's very nice but stings allot.

Funny story but once the dust was piling up so bad it caked the air and I started having breathing problems. My face was red, my chest was tight, and I couldn't stop coughing. So disobeying my capitalist overlords I forwarded the phone and spent the rest of my shift outside. It took an hour before I could breath normal. The other hours I spent outside waiting for phone calls to come in. The next week I go into work I get greeted by a signature note from Mr. Notey (not his real name) saying “ALL EMPLOYEES CAN NOT LEAVE DESK NOR FORWARD PHONE, SOMEONE FORWARDED THE PHONE TO SOME GUY IN MAINE”. A couple calls later and threating to quit, I no longer work 12 hours, it's 8 like it should be. I'm “so important” they couldn't leave but not important enough to breath.

After that day I started playing the same game as Mr. Notey. He leaves stupid pointless passive aggressive notes then that means I can do that too. I started leaving meme everywhere that'll get taken down, they even hid some standees id put the memes in. Another note about weekend employees doing “their work” that week day staff left? Put up a note stating what week day staff should be doing like labeling packages and not hiding them away or leaving them in clusters of unchecked, checked, and return packages. You can tell me how to do my job once you do yours.

Oh man lets not forget Mr. Speedy (not real name) the angry man-child. If relief was late he'd call out sick the next day and how he defines late is 15 minutes before but him coming in 15 minutes after is fine. Once I was late cause my boss didn't tell me I'm working that day, when I came in there he was. It was pathetic, imagine telling a kid no and they do their angry face, all red and puffy, now imagine a 45 year old man. I think he was trying to scare me into coming early but I was cringing too hard. I call him Mr. Speedy cuz without fail every night he runs through 2 stop signs and speeds out. One time I was leaving another spot I work at near by when his shift ended and I managed to get my car in front of his. I went slow, 10 mph cause you gotta savor the roses and having a man-child blasting his horn at 11pm next to people's houses cause you're going the speed limit. Once he could he got in front of me and speed off going 40 mph in a 15 mph zone.

My favorite memory to remember has to be Christmas. After working 12 hour days with 9 hours of construction, after dealing with my coworkers' crap, and after doing way more then I should ever I learnt something. Only the office and Mr. Notey and Mr. Speedy are getting Christmas bonuses, no one else. Certainly not that lady who works 16 hours since they don't want another person to pay to help with weekend shift. Well I had it. Called my boss and let her know that by January I'm out. Asks me to cover Christmas eve, Christmas, the day after Christmas and cover new years eve, new year, and the day after new year. I said yes only because we get paid more on holidays. Ironic.

I'm done at this point, I'm only there to be a butt in a chair and that's what I am, I didn't do any more then I had to. I did the barest minimum since that's what they pay me as. I barked back at office even louder since my time is worthless to them. Office had a coffee maker covered in notes demanding you to change filters and water even thou office didn't follow that. I tore off all those notes, I'm 24 not 4 years old I'm not getting talked down to by a coffee pot. When the manger starting telling us to deliver packages in the shoddiest, barely hanging there elevators I would leave my own note on how “due to safety concerns this wont be happening”. She actually made a note the week after saying “Employees MUST deliver, no excuses. Thank you ~Manger” so with a sharpie I revised it to “n̶o̶ ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶s̶ , NO thank you ~Manger”. She would berate and call you stupid when the elevators would crap out and lock employees inside.

The day I left it was New years day and I was suppose to work the next day. that was until one of the employees that wasn't in the Christmas bonus told me an interesting story. My manger called my boss's boss to come down and showed him one of the notes I left. This one really upset them with “don't take work keys home” “don't speed though stop signs” “don't drunk text coworkers” things I don't have to say to grown men but needed too. Mr. Notey's notes were fine about me suffocating in construction zone but me telling them how to do their jobs was a lil too much for them. Of course the boss boss just told them “well since there's a shortage we cant replace her right away” even thou they knew I was quitting. Oh and they never told me about this meeting, no warnings, nothing. Since I'm so worthless to these people I told my boss find someone for Monday and didn't come in, boss called but I was sleeping, not worth my time. Learnt a week later from cool coworker that the staff are PO about me quitting and not coming in Monday. They were PO I was there and PO I wasn't there, make up your mind but I know that's too hard for them.

I have so many more stories of these clowns but wanted to make a good condensed post.

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