
1 kid does the work of 3 people

My boss keeps ranting to me lately about a kid who worked a couple of years ago for him. He complains that the three people he hired cannot even complete the amount of work that this one kid he talks so highly of could do in one day. After the third time he ranted to me about this I had to ask the big question. “Did he make 3x as much as those three people?”. No, they couldn’t even find a replacement for the wage this kid worked for and had to raise the jobs wage from 18$ an hour to 22$ an hour. The job is still a revolving door with people quitting within days and months because it’s too hard of work. This company now pays 66$ an hour for a job to be done poorly, when it was being done perfectly for 18$ an hour. So remember…

My boss keeps ranting to me lately about a kid who worked a couple of years ago for him. He complains that the three people he hired cannot even complete the amount of work that this one kid he talks so highly of could do in one day. After the third time he ranted to me about this I had to ask the big question. “Did he make 3x as much as those three people?”. No, they couldn’t even find a replacement for the wage this kid worked for and had to raise the jobs wage from 18$ an hour to 22$ an hour. The job is still a revolving door with people quitting within days and months because it’s too hard of work. This company now pays 66$ an hour for a job to be done poorly, when it was being done perfectly for 18$ an hour. So remember folks, work harder.

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