
1 paid personal day? Legal?

I am a teacher in an independent school (PA)-is it legal to have ONE Paid day of leave? We have 11 “sick” days. I am getting dinged because I have taken more than my allotment and now “they” are giving me a hard time for requesting a day to attend my daughter’s high school graduation. We will not have any teaching responsibilities that day and will be preparing for our own school’s graduation, which is the next day.

I am a teacher in an independent school (PA)-is it legal to have ONE Paid day of leave? We have 11 “sick” days. I am getting dinged because I have taken more than my allotment and now “they” are giving me a hard time for requesting a day to attend my daughter’s high school graduation. We will not have any teaching responsibilities that day and will be preparing for our own school’s graduation, which is the next day.

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