
Is this legal? “Tip pooling” but not really?

In Texas for reference. My partner works at a restaurant and all card tips go into an account, and the employer/owner pays a wage that is $13/hr plus $5/hr of the kept credit card tips, so $18/hr. Regardless of what the tips are, it's always the same wage. They are allowed to keep cash tips, but the owner just (like, today) decided that they had “too many cash sales” and that they were no longer accepting cash sales for any reason (so basically no cash tips) Is this a legal practice? I didn't find much when I did a precursory google, but I'm not entirely sure what to look for either. thanks in advance!

In Texas for reference.

My partner works at a restaurant and all card tips go into an account, and the employer/owner pays a wage that is $13/hr plus $5/hr of the kept credit card tips, so $18/hr. Regardless of what the tips are, it's always the same wage. They are allowed to keep cash tips, but the owner just (like, today) decided that they had “too many cash sales” and that they were no longer accepting cash sales for any reason (so basically no cash tips)

Is this a legal practice? I didn't find much when I did a precursory google, but I'm not entirely sure what to look for either.

thanks in advance!

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