
17 Years of my life, but in the end I’m just a faceless number.

I'm Canadian, from Quebec. I work for a multinational Canadian Telecom, one of the “ROBELUS” three. I've been with the company 17+ years, and while it's had it's up's and downs, it's been mostly ok. However I have noticed a concerted effort by the company to slowly degrade our jobs onshore and move them offshore (to the Philippines, India, Guatemala, El Salvador). Each successive union agreement, more jobs were lost. We just ratified a new agreement a month ago, and I thought things would be back to normal, but today that changed. First thing in the morning, my manager was hounding all team members to complete a company wide “Census” to judge engagement and I guess rate the performance of management. Something they do usually twice a year. The census is anonymous, and I thought noting of it, but that it was annoying they were trying to get it done…

I'm Canadian, from Quebec. I work for a multinational Canadian Telecom, one of the “ROBELUS” three. I've been with the company 17+ years, and while it's had it's up's and downs, it's been mostly ok. However I have noticed a concerted effort by the company to slowly degrade our jobs onshore and move them offshore (to the Philippines, India, Guatemala, El Salvador). Each successive union agreement, more jobs were lost. We just ratified a new agreement a month ago, and I thought things would be back to normal, but today that changed.

First thing in the morning, my manager was hounding all team members to complete a company wide “Census” to judge engagement and I guess rate the performance of management. Something they do usually twice a year. The census is anonymous, and I thought noting of it, but that it was annoying they were trying to get it done in a single day.

A few hours later my entire team got invites to a meeting with our manager, and well, the other shoe dropped I guess. They were announcing “Voluntary Separation Packages” for anyone who wanted to take them to leave. No one was expecting them, had we known, their “census” would have been far far less glowing. Those that don't take the package, will be moved to elsewhere in the company or maybe kept in the same role, but there's no clarity on that. So here we are, having to chose to leave or take a gamble on some other random spot in the company doing god knows what. This will be affecting 2000 workers in our department.

End of the day, they don't give a fuck about you. You're nothing but a fucking number. No matter how much they claim to do for the community, their “days of giving” garbage, they don't answer to you but to their shareholders.

This is a company which even at the height of the pandemic was raking in record quarterly profits. A company where myself and my colleagues worked tons of OT while our offshore centers were shutdown due to lockdowns (some of which was not voluntary OT).

I don't know what I'm going to choose yet. I may take the package, due to my seniority, it'll give me a decent cushion to decompress from 17 years of being a number and look for a better opportunity.

Thanks for listening.

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