
No reason to work at all if this is all that’s going to happen…


Fuck Canada jobs that do this


Refusing to work properly


I work in a kitchen, half the people here have an advanced degree.


hey guys I quit my crappy job yesterday but I still have to show up at the office for the next two weeks. So: how can I absolutely annoy my dumb colleagues during that time? Creative answers only!


Conventional Wisdom is wrong, please reassess the situation. Reassess your situation.

The current job market has nothing to do with workers rising against their employers. If your goal is to change your workplace or to get a better job, you are running out of time, and the situation for you is the best it will be for decades. My purpose in this effort post is to provide a different and hopefully a much more grounded explanation for the economy you are experiencing, so that you may better plan for the future on concrete terms. Here are my main points: The current “worker shortage” is explained by the “Phillips curve”, an economic phenomenon that has been forgotten because of special circumstances these last few years. The “Great Resignation” is not happening in your field. Unless you work in the tech sector or healthcare, what is going on in your field is something else entirely, and almost assuredly it is not mass resignation…


Seems a bit early for a April fools day prank. Apparently this isn’t the final draft but I doubt it’ll get much better.


Asked to come in for a trial workday

A company does preclinical trails approached me to join them as a clinical research associate. I'm a surgical trainee about to get my masters this June, they are pushing me to start work earlier and requested me to come in for a trial. Essentially, I'll assist a surgeon to implant a medical device in an animal. I have told them I haven't worked with animals before, but they said 'we will train you' and insist to come in and have a try before even making an official offer. Today was the 2nd interview.


why does this wall art evoke such strong feelings of malaise?

​ spotted this sign a couple of times in the store. figured i'd finally speak out about it. a message like this makes me SO passionately uncomfortable, and for so many reasons. i will try to touch on a few. primarily, because of the type of person who designed it. they work at corporate, make 90K in the “mArKeTeen” department, wanted to impress their boss by being a good little worker bee, and thought they had their finger on the pulse of our nation's young adults. “wErK hAaRd pLeEy hAaRd, tHaYt's wHuT eYe aLwEyz sAy!” this person likely lives in a cul-de-sac somewhere in the midwest, is the parent to an adorable golden doodle, and had the “time of their life” in high school. they will happily answer a slack message at both 6am and 10pm. they are always “on” and proud of their martyrdom (anything that helps the…


It doesn’t make sense, unless you’re rich.