
Interviewers want to know why you’re leaving your job, because saying you had self respect and stood your ground for being mistreated, is a red flag to them. They want loyal obedient slaves who they can abuse


Nashville representing!


Im nauseated just thinking about clocking in. Every damn time.


Isn’t it amazing how much control your employer has over your life?


FoodShare Toronto is now compensating people for interviews, and if the interview involves a presentation, the candidate will be compensated at the hourly rate of the position they’re applying for. I’ve never seen this from organizations before.


The system is indeed flawed


This is sub is getting harder to identify with

I can’t see every post and read every comment, but I feel the general sentiment here is just people who work in offices complaining about workplace politics, and the end of WFH. I don’t work a job like that. I don’t communicate with my boss and coworkers via email. I don’t have numbers, but it doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume most jobs aren’t in office spaces where emails are half the battle. You can’t work in trades or be a cook from your home. I get the large scale implications of capitalism and government by making you come back to the office, but the way people frame their complaints about it sound like “poor me, I have to physically go to work”. That just doesn’t sound very sympathetic to me. I’m not trying to belittle the cause of the office worker, but I just don’t identify with it. Much in…


Coworker is policing when I come in and leave

Title says it all. I’ve (23F) had issues with this coworker (60F) ever since she started working for our team (I’m a legal assistant for an attorney). She’s been here over 6 months and still doesn’t understand the basics of the job, and constantly pushes things on to me, claiming she “doesn’t know what to do, can you just do it for me.” I am pretty much doing the majority of the work for the team despite her being a paralegal, and officially a “higher” title than me. But the cherry on top of it all is that she’s now started policing when I come and go. She’s mad that our entire team doesn’t come in early enough (including the attorney). She gets in at 8, the rest of us filter in between 9/9:30 (company is flexible with schedules as long as the attorney is okay with it). She complained…


All this for $8-$10/hr? Sign me up! They got all defensive and blocked me when I called them out.


Budgeting tips from my company..