
After a successful first interview, I received this “exercise” to complete before my final interview. These are all gaps they currently have and are essentially crowd sourcing their solutions, including a full detailed “Project plan” for free.


The Qualities of Leadership

I’ve worked in the life sciences for about 2 years. In 2 different companies. I’m pretty newly graduated into the workforce. Right now I work for a big pharma company. I’m not sure if I’ve just been unlucky so far, but I’ve come across some of the worst leadership skills I’ve ever seen in real life. As a person of color, and someone who practices MMA and lifts, I often shrink myself in public emotionally and physically to not intimidate others. In my current role, at least one of the leaders has a brash way of speaking, often correcting people out loud to their face in front of others, turning it into a joke for the whole lab. I can’t help but feel that if I brought that same energy to my daily work, I’d be out the door in minutes. I practice controlling my emotional and physical responses everyday…


Amazon Boycot

I am proud to say that I have not purchased anything from Amazon Canade since Amazon's actions during the tornado that claimed innocent lives. Victims that have families. Those innocent lives were sons, daughters, fathers and mothers, loved by many. I trust I'm not the only one angered and appalled.


LinkedIn Influencer culture is gross.

As a disclaimer, I do not actually use it, and not all its users are like that, probably. But I am going to trade school once a week right now and had several classes on how to manage your own page and turn yourself in a personal brand (yuck). My area is design heavy but I kind of wandered off so I actually do fullstack web development (ain't good at it but it is what it is) so it's not as relevant to me anyway. However, our teacher made us watch LinkedIns own training videos and other sources that all just tell us to spend several hours every week and to engange with the community. Influencers make it sound like it's vital and I just watch them and they are SO fake and gross to be around. Professionalism is important, yes, but I hate the corpo-oriented fake plastic influenzer stuff.…


UPDATE: My co-worker told me I make $40k less than the person I replaced 3 years ago. Was instantly inspired to send this to management.

Finally got some response from my new bosses on this letter, and was met with a counteroffer of a $12k raise, and 3 extra days of PTO. I countered again, indicating I would need the full 34% in order to be able to stay on. This is where the good part comes in… The higher level boss got fired up, and started to try and argue that I wouldn’t see a better offer. They then tried to grill me with the following nonsense: “You’ve been working from home for about two years now, right?” I of course said yes, and in that time, I’ve been able to become even more efficient. They retorted with, “Well, if you’ve been working from home for that long, seems to me that you’ve probably saved a lot on gas, RIGHT?! So I don’t see why you’re claiming things are so expensive for you…” I…


Lack of Training contributing skilled labor shortage?

People often shame other workers for not knowing anything despite no training. Why is this? I've been in these situations of getting tossed into the wolves and it results in frustration. People want experienced employees but they can not find them, and they bitch about it despite no willpower to train. Is America doomed to fail from this?


Amazon union vote counts are underway for two warehouses


Watch the JFK8 vote tallying LIVE

Howdy y'all Thought you guys might be interested in this, you can watch the vote tallying for the JFK8 union contract live if you register here ​ I got the link from this website, then through the just BAFFLING anti-union webite Amazon set up


Disciplinary action in the workplace…….

I'm not too sure if questions like this are okay in this sub. If not please remove. I'm curious, what's the most ridiculous reason that you have had to face disciplinary action? Mine was for having surgery.


They cut our pay for half a year.

I work for a small family owned business. There has always been the usual family business shadiness, favoritism, nepotism, et cetera, nothing worse than I've found before. This job got me out of customer service right before the pandemic. So I thought I had it goodish. The pandemic has not been kind to this business. Massive material shortages. Materials that took us three weeks to get now take thirty. In December 2021 the owners announced pay cuts. Twenty percent for salary. Hourly people would have limited hours since all their wages are different. I was incredibly upset. Somehow a rumor got around that I had another job offer? (Not true) When my boss asked me about it I told him how incredibly pissed I was about the cut. He told me it would be only for two paychecks. Maximum of three. An OG coworker said this happened before (in the…