Month: March 2022
Boss's boss offered me a raise if I transfered to his office, I ofc said yes. Boss's Boss changes his mind because my boss threw a fit, now my Boss's office manager is changing everyone schedule. I'm legit so fucking sick of it. Like bruh, can you just not?
On call schedule
I started a job recently, it’s in a field similar to social work. When I applied the job stated that it included a flexible work schedule. I interview, and I tell all management (3 people) that I am teaching classes as an adjunct, and because academia is my goal, I would need to be able to continue that. Ff, the “on call” time is much more than I anticipated ( I was called out from 9-2 Saturday, and again from 5-9 that morning) And my manager is giving me shit for teaching a class… Everyone in my office works from home, except me (as I live in town) so I’m expected to be in the office daily. Last week we had a snow storm, and I am one of the only people with kids.. everyone else wasn’t expected to go into the office, but when I asked to work from…
Yeah, this doesn’t look toxic at all…
The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I shit on company time.
I called out from a shift yesterday because my partner found an injured bird on the side of the road and rushed it to our nearest wildlife center. They had 2 hours of notice, and said it was fine the day of, but when I came in today they fired me. It was only the third time I'd called out since starting almost a year ago, and when I asked her if she'd rather I let it die cold, wet and bleading out, she said yes.