Month: April 2022
TLDR; why are employers so anti lunch break? Have they always been? (Background, I live in a workers have basically zero rights state, so only employees under the age of 18 are required to have a break of any kind.) I was recently fired (position terminated) and am aggressively looking for jobs and in my exit interview and in an actual interview today, managers mention lunch breaks and how it’s “free time” or time they really shouldn’t be paying their employees for – items to that effect. Newsflash, they don’t really notice if you take it or not – I skipped lunch for a month to see if my manager changed her tune at all. She didn’t. So I said screw it if I am allowed the break I am going to take it. In fact, taking the hour or half hour long break in the middle of the day…
I’m sorry what was that annual salary?
That parents in America don't get paid maternity leave. Not even the woman? Is this true or have I been lied to? What does one do if they have kids? Do they get dismissed?
My two year old antiwork-pilled me.
For nearly two years we have chosen to eat through savings and live in poverty on one work from home pay cut salary in order to care for our now 2 y.o. child and not bring home COVID. I have been looking for work after little one is asleep for the night bc we are really feeling the crunch and today they looked up beaming and said ‘Mommy and Daddy are always here’. It was sweet but it really fucked with me. Like what more important job is there to do than to be with your child especially during their first years. Fuck this. Also I’m gonna have to eventually break their heart and probably expose them to covid in order to not be homeless
What do you get out of it, besides obsessively stroking the hate boner you have for the working class?
This is an unpopular opinion but
I will NEVER forgive my parents for pushing me out into this world while being working class. I HATE wageslaving and I HATE the fact I'm going to HAVE TO keep doing that at least for the next 30 years to come Way to enjoy my life, dad! Yeah prolly gonna get downvoted but idfc, I had to vent
On Friday I went into the office along with my coworker, at the behest of the manager, because there is a task he wants us to work together on. I noticed my coworker was coughing a lot. Come Sunday I started feeling sick with sore throat and a bit of a cough. I can't know for sure, but I feel like it's definitely covid. Obviously my coworker should have known better than to come into the office if he's coughing, but oddly enough I am more pissed off at the asshole manager for basically micromanaging us into coming in on the same day just so he can ensure his stupid tasks are finished in a timely manner. I mean, tbf he's normally pretty flexible, but I guess he's been getting heat lately from one of the clients about us being too slow, but still fuck him. This was such an…
The ugly behavior and obsession with status was too much for me.