I'm a professional musician (not the famous kind, just the average work-a-day musician-for-hire type)I also teach private lessons. I have a bachelor's degree in music from a great school which cost a lot of money and time and sweat. I have been fortunate to have gigged, recorded, and toured with notable artists from across Canada and around the world. I taught music at every level, from middle and high school band, to college theory courses, and for years I taught upwards of 40 lessons per week at the country's largest music store. Last month at the beginning of March I took on a new student. A teenager who is quite pleasant to work with and also shows a great passion and aptitude for the guitar. I enjoy working with her immensely since not all students take such an active role in their learning. The problem is her father. A Doctor…
Month: April 2022
To preface this I live in California. I work inside Target, but not for Target. Well yesterday someone started a fire in the store about 20 feet from my general work area. It ended up getting pretty big, so big that the entire store was evacuated and when all the doors were open smoke was still pouring out. Firetrucks, ambulances, police vehicles were all there so surely the next day I imagined we wouldn't be working. I was wrong. I returned to work about an hour ago and the smell is very very prevalent and there's literal ash still on things. Now instantly I called my DM and said yeah I'm not working they're out of their mind. I told other workers to do the same. I doubt I'll get “written up” or something to that extent. I really couldn't fathom that they wouldn't close the store for ONE day…
I am so tired of looking for a new job. I’m in my early 20s, and I’m literally just looking for a receptionist job. Nothing crazy. No hardcore technological coding skill required. But I cannot for the life of me get past all of the “must have 3 years of office assistant experience”. I fit ALL other qualifiers. Microsoft Office? I can do that. Word? I can do that. Any basic tasks they’re asking me to do? I can do them. But because that “three years of experience required for this employer” I can’t even apply. I understand some jobs need genuine experience. But the only thing I don’t have for these stupid applications is the years of experience. How can I get said experience if no one will hire me. I currently work at a restaurant and I want so badly a different job. But I’m not going to…
I posted a while back about issues with ADA accommodation violations related to my epilepsy. This job has directly caused my seizures to skyrocket to the point that 3 doctors have now told me to quit (currently looking for new work). My job is so strenuous for me that a normal workweek will result in at least one seizure per week, ranging in severity. For the past week I've been in the hospital doing an overnight medical exam called an EEG. For those unfamiliar, they stick a bunch of electrodes to your head to track your brain activity during a seizure; the exam involves staying in the hospital for several days while Drs try to induce seizures for data collection. The idea being that it'll pinpoint where exactly in the brain the seizures are coming from. I've had EEGs in the past, but this time inducing a seizure was like…
The largest social strides in history (from civil rights to workers' rights) were accomplished in large part due to public protest. From walk-outs to sit-ins to marches, protests are the most effective means for the oppressed to stimulate action (from the government and/or their oppressors). Unfortunately we continue to foster a strong anti-protest culture in the US. Either you hold a non-disruptive protest like a peaceful gathering in a park and get derided as “a bunch of morons sitting around singing kumbaya as if that'll change anything” (and let's be real, they're probably right), or you hold a disruptive protest like marching and lying in the streets and you get… this: https://old.reddit.com/r/cursed_videomemes/comments/tvyphh/man_of_culture/ People celebrating the threatening of protestors, and worse, wishing that they had actually been subjected to serious bodily harm. The video is too blurry to make out the protestors' cause, so these are all comments against the very…
My boyfriend had a work injury that requires him to work remotely. A lot of these jobs have been remote but are now forcing people in. He just had an interview for a job and they said he can't be accommodated because it's mandatory for everyone soon to come in 16 times a month. I'm just fucking annoyed. He has a damn disability and the job can obviously be done remotely. I dont understand why some companies are being like that. It's a customer service position. The interviewer said his ap will now be withdrawn. I'm just pissed. Idk if this was okay to post here.. This was for Navy federal credit union.