
my work ethic sucks

I have really bad depression and get into these spells of not being able to do basic human functions. I’ve called in sick like 5 times in the last month. I work for a shitty motel doing housekeeping, the job is so irrelevant but yet I feel so guilty. I just wish that life didn’t have to be like this. There’s so much more to being alive than cleaning peoples piss off of toilets for a barely liveable wage


ACA is the best healthcare ever in the US

Happy April’s fool day!


This describes how our perception can skew our actions and how empathy can lead us to a better world state.


seeking validation and working for recognition is a sickness


How do you work for an idiot boss?

How do you work for an idiot boss? I 've working for this guy for the last 3 years. I do like what I do and enjoy working with most of my co-workers. However, I am at a point where I can barely tolerate my boss. First, he is dishonest. He pretends to know is all and get all the work done. But the truth is the managed services company does the bulk of his requests. Second, he has a terrible communication skill set. He rarely sends out an email or talks to us about some relevant information that can and will impact the department and other departments. Next, I found out he made, or the managed services made changes overnight, and now things aren't working. Lastly, he thinks he is trying his best. I don't know if he understands the meaning of trying his best.


Looking to form a union, looking for any and all advice.

I work for a mid-size restaurant chain and want to form a union for my store. There are only about 20 people who work there but most seem on board or at least indifferent to the prospect. I was looking at reaching a union organizer through AFL-CIO but if there are better ways to do it let me know. Also, if anyone has experience in this arena and has advice for me I would be most appreciative. Thanks for the help!


r/antiwork message for r/place. It’s 92×17. upper left corner is 469,630, let’s see if we can pull this off


My wife is a 3rd grade teacher, this is how she was thanked for her hard work


Jobless rate drops to 3.7%, showing people are actually working There were a near record 11.3 million job openings on the last day of February, government data showed on Tuesday, which left the jobs-workers gap at 3.0% of the labor force and close to the post-war high of 3.2% in December. The labor pool is expected to have continued to gradually increase in March. Lower unemployment numbers means workers can demand higher wages and turn down poor working conditions. Contrary to your conservative, retired uncle who claims “nobody wants to work,” people are actually coming out to work in large numbers. It's just that they don't have to submit themselves to poor wages as often.


April Fools Real/Fake 2 weeks notice

I hear about all the drama at my spouse’s work every day. Latest juicy tidbit one coworker is fed up with it all and got an acceptance letter for a new job two days ago. He mentioned to my spouse this morning they’re going to text their manager (the direct cause of all the issues) that they’re putting in their two weeks. Then wait a little bit, and text them “April Fools!” then send in their real two weeks notice on Monday. Love this.