
Stacked against us…


Why does Antiwork seem Anti stockmarket?

I have made £328.05 in the stock market from dividends. I have a portfolio of just under £10,000 and I have been consitently saving for 4 years. Thats 3% in a month. Now I dont get that every month but if I had 100k in there I wouldnt have needed to go to work for 2 months! That to me is the utopia of antiwork, being paid for nothing. I know there are those out there who hate the stock market and I have even seen people claim it should be removed entirely. To hate what is essentially the easiest way to become financially independent strikes me as oxymoronic. So to those out there who hate the stock market, why?


i was 1 month abroad and some coworkers and leader never texted me once

I did text the work group chat and only 2 replied abd others plain nothing


I’m reading Last Podcast on the Left’s true crime book, and on the David Berkowitz chapter, this paragraph caught my eye. I feel like it belongs here. Just goes to show how worker exploitation has always been an issue in this country.


talking to other employees about pay

So yesterday we were discussing our pay at work I make .75 cent more than teenagers. I told them this but I've worked in fast food 4 years almost so I get paid for experience. One was scared we could get fired for discussing our wages and we aren't supposed to talk about. I'm like it not against the law and it shows equal pay for all. All the teenagers make 10.25 an hr. I make eleven. She was like they can still fire you. Im like they can't fire your for discussing pay. Is that right though can they fire for discussing pay?


Corporate Healthcare

Today at the corporate healthcare for profit company I work at I got my bum chewed. A had a caller tell me I was a “forking botch” multiple times. When I informed him I was not his Google service he called me verbally abusive names one more time before I hung up. Well the gentleman called and complained about my poor customer service. Without mentioning his verbal abuse. I got a coaching session today with my supervisor. This happened a week ago. But she waited until after the day I replied to an email letting her supervisor and a lead physician that myself nor my coworker would be able to attend because we had to cover the front desk. I also was told that some of my coworkers think I am rude. I do not talk to anyone. I have also been talking about unions. I have had other coaching…


Caliber Public Schools Management Recognizes Union of Teachers and Staff – Industrial Workers of the World


They’re not even trying to hide it…


today I passed a cop car in a residential zone in a rich neighborhood

Turns out it is not occupied. It is moved once a week to different locations in the area. There are no cops in it. It I has no video. That's how they control speeders in rich private neighborhoods. This is the best cops can do. In poor neighborhoods there's like tow trucks jacking illegally parked cars and collecting exorbitant fees. Down by the beach residents get free parking stickers for the beach while poor out of town suckers get $80 tickets for not dropping a quarter. Trump has single handedly fought every subpoena and summons that forces him to court and the courts delay his cases for years while victims suffer. Rich people are just too fucking rich. America is the land of privilege and slavery. When I fuxk up at work I get fired. When the CEO grafts money he gets a pension and free legal representation. Where the…


next weekened i am going pack my bags abd leave my country

And move out from family Goodbye tiny and extreeeemly boring small island of MALTA.