
To the People 4


“How to unionize” printouts?

Looking for some sort of printout I can print and leave at the restaurant I manage. (Also wanting to just start leaving them at different places I go to) Anyone know of any resources for something like this? Looking for essentially some sort of simple(ish) check list starting from scratch, possibly with “to do” list and other resources etc


Interviews still sucks

So, I recently started using indeed to help look for a better paying job so I can support my girlfriend when we move in together. Had 2 interviews today one at 12pm and the other at 1pm. Put on my dress clothes and drove to the first one and gave answer the usual questions people ask : Why are you here? Why do you wanna work for us? Tell us about your skills and your work history. I answer everything and basically get told I'm not a good fit for the roll cause I'm looking for a bigger paycheck and not a career. So I thank them and leave and head to the next one. I get there, greet the manager and do the same thing. Answer questions, get told about the company, YadaYada and all that. Get told the same thing, im not a good fit for the company…


They charge me $33 for this and have the GALL to pay their people so little they have to go on welfare.


My boss owns a gun shop in Texas. He launched a Sale on ARs the day after Uvalde Shooting. I quit.


Can you imagine if an average new house was 2.5x the average annual wage?


85 Degree Bakery enabled tips on their point of sale devices. Tips don’t go to workers; you’re just giving the company more money.


Shitty business owners should be allowed to sink. Can’t handle simple patrons.


Watch this reel by scottseiss on Instagram


Why exactly do Apple employees want to unionize?

I am just genuinely curious. Please note, I am not trying to sound condescending or anything negative. I have never applied to work at Apple nor have ever spoken to an Apple employee, however when I go into the Apple Store it seems fine? I can clearly see why Amazon wants to unionize, given the vast amount of interviews, news stories, etc. However I’ve not seen/heard much on Apple.