
Working Class Hero- John Lennon

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still f’ing peasants as far as I can see A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be


Family Dollar Looking to Hire a 2-for-1 deal


Story of my successful strike

TLDR: Strikes work. The first strike I organized was in 8th grade. The two strongest girls decided to arm wrestle in the cafeteria, and everyone got pretty rowdy. The school's response was to call it a “riot” and put us in assigned seats for lunch, alphabetically. I went to my friends and suggested everyone stop buying lunch in protest. We went from table to table, getting people to commit to packing their lunch. See, at least in my district, schools were required to make enough lunch for every student. My class was about 350 kids. The first day of the strike, maybe 20 bought lunch. Every day after, it was more like 5 or 6. Each lunch cost $2.25. Then there were a la carte items like soft pretzels and (most importantly) Krispy Kreme donuts, which were $2 each. Every day, we could see them throwing away trays upon trays…


“Calculated Mediocrity”

I love being the new guy. My metrics are soooooo low. I slept until noon and I just finished my goal for the day. I've decided that pushing myself isn't worth it and mediocrity is fine. I'll make the goals set for me but that's all you get.


Reminder that the looming recession & layoffs are manufactured, as corporate leadership chooses to buy into the Fed’s rhetoric that inflation is caused by high employment & wages, & should be corrected with hiring freezes & layoffs. See: “Why the Fed wants corporate America to have a hiring freeze”


The implication of forcing everyone to work for a living


finally quit my toxic job and i havn’t been this happy since my wedding day

My already toxic job got exponentially worse over the last month following a slew of negative glass door reviews (loved to see it happen). The owners seem to think they have found the secret to cheap labor, hire all skilled position out of state (CA) to get cheaper labor in the midwest, then just pile the on-site work onto the few employees you keep local, all the while not giving them raises or bonuses, or promotions etc. ​ Hitting send on the resignation email is giving me the biggest possible smile.


is this a bad idea to hand to my scheduling coordinator tomorrow?


We need Universal basic income for everyone making less than 50,000 a year

It doesn’t have to be 50,000, it can be 100,000. Whatever number makes sense economically. The problem is the government’s not going to help everybody. As long as it helps the majority of people, it’s worth trying.


Involving media

Hi all, I need advice. I work in healthcare for a huge corporation. So they of course have a legal team of sharks. But my place of work violates a ton of labor codes. They also harass their employees and I’ve tried going to HR. I’ve tried going to my union. Nothing has actually been done about it and I’ve been here for over five years. I’m just wondering if anyone has any experience with going to the media anonymously to try and voice the violations. In the past I’ve been tempted to sue. I know I would win bc the documentation and proof is just endless but I would also have my name out there and I’m afraid it will affect my future employment both at the company I’m at and potentially other companies if I should leave. Please and info or advice would be so much appreciated.