
manager tries to force me to stay over

Lowkey mad asf. I worked From 1050am to 7pm. Which is supposed to be 11am to 7pm but I clock in early. I go to leave at 7pm and my dad was already there to pick me up. THE MANAGER SENDS SOMEONE ON BREAK AND EXPECTED ME TO COVER. I COULDN'T IM NOT MY RIDE. He argued with me until another manager butt in and told him I couldn't be expected to stay because he made a crappy management call. He knew because before he was a manager he was a regular employee like and knew I had to leave. It makes mead he tried to force me to stay because he sent too many people on break at once


me when employers say that I should be grateful for paying us a surviving wage:


McDonald’s, you have got to be kidding me..


Absolutely fucking done with dental assisting and the dental field in general.. need advise

It’s tough… years ago I worked at a dental office in Toronto that was so toxic that I landed in the hospital for 3 weeks because of stress… and I obviously don’t want it to get to that point again… every single office after has given me issues. (Except the one that I loved but I moved far away and had to quit) I just don’t get it I’m nice to people at work, I mind my own business, I help out, I’m never late but people wanna take advantage and I’m sick of it. I so want OUT of this field but I don’t know where to turn. I would love a remote job but I know those are hard to find. Any advice appreciated thank you


Manager quote from today

“It's not work itself that makes one unhappy about work. It's the inability to get your work done which makes you unhappy.” How out of touch is this? I find my unhappiness about work to be proportional to imbalance of work I'm given to the work in supposed to do at my paygrade. I couldn't give a shit about “inability to get my work done”. All I want to do is to be able to wake up one day and know I'm going to do exactly the 8 hours of work I'm supposed to do (and what I'm actually paid for) and nothing more, and not feel like I will be behind as a result of it the day after. Truly astounding there are people like this out there.


Fired from a job I hated.

I wa just fired from an office job that I hated. They haven't told me why. I really don't know how to feel. I was in the military for a long time where I did pretty well. I gained rank and got awards and stuff. I left the military and went to school where I also did well. I have a bachelor's and graduated with a 3.6 GPA. I finally get a job at an office and it admittedly wasn't going great but I was trying as hard as I could. I got a notice today that I am being fired with no reason provided. It feels shitty because this is all what I'm supposed to be doing. But now I'm failing at it. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.


subway… need advice, the update

A couple weeks ago I posted here asking for advice about my shitty workplace and one of its shitty owners making sex jokes and sexual comments on how great he is. I wanted to give an update of things and thank everyone who commented. I ended up telling him I don't appreciate that kind of talk or those kind of jokes, because another person told me I needed to say something to him about it before taking it to a corporate setting. Not even 2 days after he made another sex joke so I filed a complaint to corporate, as did another person. I've also lowered my availability to save some of my sanity as working there is honestly soul draining to me due to the entitled snotty customers and it being expected I clock in early and stay late all the time. I also stopped clocking in early because…


Employee Appreciation, Me at home 2022


I actually got a decent job!

Granted I'd really rather not have to work just to not have to dumpster dive but I can't change anything if I'm starving. I found a job at a local co-op grocery store. I just did 2 days of working interview with $14.50 an hour regardless of whether I stayed or left after those 2 days. In those 2 days I've gotten to take home tons of free food, a bit of turkey, pastrami, beef, king trumpet mushrooms, and a bottle of fresh pressed juice I made today. Yesterday I got a loaf of bread, a bottle of juice I made, and a pound of ham! And when I asked my manager about pay day he offered to pay me my 2 days of work early if I needed it. I'm really grateful for a job that values me and my work after being treated like shit for months at…


Inflation won’t stop me from enjoying that video