Month: June 2022
Yep turns out, the Indeed testing requirement was bullshit all along. If you see a job position listed on Indeed, do a basic search for same position and you will find it on alternative website. What made it more ironic the website Zip Recruiter had the salary and benefits listed up front. When I went to the interview I asked H.R. why? They said Indeed is the only site where it is “OPTIONAL” not to list the salary. Whereas every other website, requires it to make sure your a real company and not a scam. And YES, she acknowledge the absurdity of what she just said. Edit: I'm not advocating for ZipRecruiter the point of this post was to show that multiple websites will have the same job that will sometimes show you info that the employer is trying to hide from from their competitors because if they start listing…
So I admit the food wasn't bad. Not great. It was absolutely crappy quality but not bad per say. But it probably cost them $1 per every 5 to 6 plates if I went off what this would cost myself to buy and make at home and they probably are paying even less. They had a choice of spegttii or alfredo for $5 a plate and then gave those small paper plates (you know the ones). It was ehhh not great but eh. But Im a little annoyed I had to pay for my own worker appreciation dinner and I found out the company made a profit off this from my coworker I talk to whom works in HR. Like….. WTF.
They thought they had me.
I recently left a company I had been with for about a year. That's a short while for me, as I usually stay several years with a company I like. I applied for a management position, where I was interviewed by the team I believed I'd be leading. Well, the company gave that position to an in-house employee from that team instead, and I got that employee's old job – good old bait and switch. By the time I realized what had happened, there was no way I could return to the previous company. Still, the insurance was amazing (more on that later) and the pay was still better than with the previous company, so I set myself up on LinkedIn, tossed my resume in the water, and waited for a bite. Now, this place is the corporate equivalent of a self-motivated circle jerk. They love their image, which is…
So obvious throw away for legal reasons because of this ruling. So I worked at a small local business as a sales clerk and manager for several years. Nothing fancy but I liked my job, co workers, owner, and customers quite a bit. When original lockdown started I couldn't go into work, and continued to not be able to work due to some severe medical problems putting me at greater risk of covid. During this time when I was not working I was requesting work to do from home, since the business actually had a variety of tasks that some did from home already and other tasks could be done much more efficiently if done from home and not have to be slowed down by customers in store. No matter how much I asked the answer was always no. But the owner and manager did have a favor I could…
Just got let go for missing a drug test
I'm a pharmacy technician at a large scale long term care facility in California. Management was honestly terrible, they scheduled me for a drug test during my working hours. The drug testing center would close right when I got off. I had already missed a few days because my car broke down, they said if I missed another day I would be let go so I couldn't take time off to do it either. I explained my situation and it didn't matter. I understand that they have a job to do but Jesus. Every job I've been to has no consideration for their employees. I wonder if every place is going to be like this but if it is that's extremely demoralizing. The current state of the world reminds me of the book 1984. What's the point anymore man? Work till I'm old have no time off till I'm at…