
Catering company stealing tips

I recently quit working at a catering company for a variety of reasons, but one of the main ones is that they were obviously stealing tips. There is a 20 percent service change in all invoices. The owner and office manager were in the tips pool. The office manager boasted to me that they hire sorority girls because they “don’t know anything so we don’t have to give them tips.” I also quit because the kitchen manager constantly told racist jokes, micromanaged everyone, and was a general asshole. I already have a new job, but I keep thinking I should report them. The food industry is rotten and I’m so sick of people getting away with exploiting their staff. Should I report them or just drop it and move on? Edit: I’m in the US. The tips were not being distributed at all to kitchen staff for a long time,…


the audacity to want someone with a bachelor’s degree to teach for $8.50/hour


What’s everyone’s opinion on a considerable livable wage including being able to afford a house/ getting married/ having 1-2 kids and having a savings for an emergency ? I know it varies between states but please do list them and which state you are from.

Long story short I’m making about $24 a hour and I don’t think it’s a livable wage and my job is wondering why people so many quit. Maybe because it doesn’t pay enough to really do anything (I live in Minnesota) most jobs are paying $18-24 a hour so what’s the incentive to stay if they could just find another job that pays the same I don’t think companies understand that this worker shortage is going to go on for a long time because I been at my job for 4 years and the job positions have never been filled. I consider $30-32 a hour is a livable wage and would make a lot of people more happy


“I further understand that, in lieu of overtime compensation, I will receive compensatory time off”

Hi guys, so I am about to start working as a first responder for a government agency and one of the documents I’m being asked to sign states what’s in the title. They’re wanting me to agree to receiving compensatory time off in lieu of actual OT. Here are my questions: Can I refuse this, and assert my requirement for standard overtime pay (which is time and a half)? Would the agency be able to use this as a means to rescind my offer? If I can assert this, and they can’t rescind my offer for this reason, how should I actually go about asserting this? I’ve taken the paper, crossed out that bit, and notated that I require standard OT instead. I plan on signing and dating it in this state and submitting it along with the 35 other pages of documents to HR tomorrow. If that’s a bad…


Australia elects son of a single mother, a disability pensioner, living in public housing. There's hope for Western civilisation yet.


Confessions of a lawn care specialist

A few years ago I started working as a lawn care specialist. I enjoy the work and being able to help people improve their lawn. Most of the customers are really nice people and I enjoy talking to them and helping them where they need it. On the other hand some of the customers can be down right mean. I've had customers that would verbally attack me on a personal basis. Things like mocking my laughter, death threats, and insulting my intelligence. I can usually handle an upset customer, but when they start getting personal is when I start to show frustration. I don't think they understand how hard the job really is if you want to do quality work. In fact, I don't even think the management understands how hard it is to do quality work. They give us quotas that we have to meet and on average we…


Sue employer

I have written proof of negligence from my work of not taking care of something I use at work, and due to the lack of maintenance of said object, I received a brain contusion and concussion. I’ve seen the video, I did my job correctly. They have since repaired the entire building (should be mandatory work orders for the repairs but I wouldn’t have access, nor do I have access to video of my injury). Big corporation. I received no paid time off, had to work light duty for three 12 hour shifts in a row in a bright and loud building with concussion & contusion. Training video proved I did my job correct, although this has now been tampered with I think and I don’t have access to it either. I like my job but I’m pissed they won’t even give me 1 day off to recover. Would you…


Boss is saying I have flexibility so should not ask for raise

tl:dr My boss thinks that because I am “allowed” to work part-time, I shouldn't expect a pay rise. That the flexibility should be enough. Looking for some good ways to counter that argument. Let me set the scene. I have been in my job for 3.5 years. In that time I have not had a pay review and no raise, and nor have I asked for one. Our rem policy is that salaries are reviewed max every six months and a raise is only granted if you can show in the last 6 months you have consistently exceeded in your role/gone above and beyond. I have been told by the boss I am a valuable part of the team in performance reviews and other times I am at a fairly high level in the business so am aware of remuneration reviews and payrise but not necessarily the amounts. I have…


Not anti work but still


Mandatory overtime union does nothing