Month: June 2022
I agree with the movent, however when even attempting to discuss anything remotely resembling bettering my team, I'm met with eye rolls Is there any point?
My boss is a pastor outside of work and it really annoys me how he treats us but then goes and preaches on Sunday. Has anyone ever worked for someone like that?
Cogs in the Machine
Its going up from $15.20 an hour to $15.65 an hour. 40 whole cents! I did the math, thats $72 extra a month! For full time workers. Gross pay. And a living wage is like $21 an hour but hey! 40 cents!!
Just a rant about retail.
I know many of you will agree with me. I work part time in a retail store, and nothing ANNOYS me more then a customer walking up to the register without me calling them! It’s very fucking annoying and I don’t appreciate it. Yes you whoever is reading this that does this. When I ring my fucking bell come to my register if not please stay the hell back. It’s annoying sometimes I just wanna breath for 5 seconds without being bombarded with customers. If you hear the bell then coke to the register if not please stop coming and saying “ are u open?” Cuz frankly I’m fucking not!
Look at these fuckin tools
He has a meeting with his bosses tomorrow to discuss the downgrade in pay. We were hoping Reddit could provide tips with how he can approach that conversation with them. The situation is that he has been working at his company for 5+ years now as a US employee, but since we moved to Canada he is getting transferred to the Canadian offices. As a result his salary will be changing from USD to CAD. They're asking him to sign a letter to acknowledge his new salary and they included in the letter to not discuss his salary with anyone at work lol. His responsibilities will not be changing, he would be in the same role as he is in now.