
He made it out!


Want me to move from Mid MO to Pueblo… responded accordingly


Quit my job on the third day cuz it fucking sucked


i am the captain of web page now…


Not all unions are a good thing

I'm very pro-union. I think that as a concept, they should be universal. I mean, who doesn't like rights? But I'm in a union, a pretty bad one. I'm told the union that represented us before I started was even worse. Our contract is written to almost strictly benefit people who have been with the company 10+ years. The company actually hides behind the union to DENY rights to people with lower seniority. Oh, you need reasonable accommodations for a medical condition? Well everyone higher than you in seniority would also need to get those “priveleges” so we'll just put you out of work instead. The company messed up your paycheck and underpaid you? Well you have several hoops you need to jump through in exactly the right order and if it takes you more than 12 days to do so you forfeit your right to that money. You signed…


I feel disrespected and left behind in a company acquisition

The company I work for recently acquired a much smaller firm (10 people vs 250) with employees who do the exact scope as me, but with less experience and no completed projects (in construction). During the acquisition, as a way to sweeten the deal for the new company, all the people doing my exact job in the acquired company got promoted to director roles with new people under them, while I stayed as a manager. Additionally, since the acquired company is now the entire department that does the work that I do, I will be starting to work under their CEO. I am shifting managers and I’m the only person not located in the city that the acquired company is from. I’m starting 3 levels down from everyone, even though I have more experience and projects both completed and in development. I feel disrespected and very disappointed. Everyone in the…


When you give notice, be prepared to be let go immediately.


The place where I work says we’re not allowed to talk about our pay.

Probably because they pay like crap and never can get raises through. I’ve been waiting on mine for since last year. It’s been sent in over and over, called in multiple times. Still nothing. Higher ups just aren’t getting them in: There’s a plethora of people waiting for their raises.


Do you all know of any mutual aid groups? Kind of desperate for groceries here

anything? It doesn't have to be here on reddit


My boss didn’t know the difference between earl gray and black tea

I don’t fucking get it. Context: work at a cafe. Mf has the gaul to pay me only slightly above minimum wage and go on a rant about how expensive the “earl gray brand” (his words not mine) when its “just black tea”. Had to explain to the boomer that there is a difference between the two, and that no, there is no “earl gray brand” and that their is in fact a difference. For those who don’t know: earl gray is a TYPE of black tea infused with oils that makes it have a smokey taste. Black tea is just plain black tea. I don’t understand. Why doesn’t he know this? Hes been running this shop for decades but the fucker doesn’t even know his product. He doesn’t know how to run the counter. He doesn’t know what we even do. If you ask me, I think this kind…