
Work now automatically removes 30 min from our time if we don’t take a break. What can I do?

At my urgent care, going on break is optional. We don’t have to take a break unless we want to. It has been that way for 2 years. (Edit: when I say “want” I am also referring to situations in which we “can’t” go on break) They released a notice today stating that they will automatically remove 30 minutes from our time even if we do not actually take a break. I know that this is retaliation against us because the manager feels slighted by the idea that we are deliberately not clocking out in order to run up her labor costs. Our manager and her husband own our urgent care. Unfortunately, I can’t prove that this is retaliation so that’s irrelevant. What can I do specifically to address the fact that they remove 30 minutes for breaks that we don’t even take? Virginia, USA


My employer (USAA) told us we could work from home permanently. They are now telling us we have to be hybrid 3 days in office per week. It is a breach in my contract. What am I supposed to do?

I am a software developer at USAA, one of the largest insurance providers/banks in the US. When COVID hit, we were all sent home. Eventually, we were asked whether we would prefer to stay permanent WFH or adopt a hybrid method. My job offer even says remote. On June 29, USAA pulled every employee into meetings and explained that WFH was over effective October, amidst some of the highest gas prices/inflation in the countries history. People built their lives around WFM, sold cars and moved further out of the city to save money and now they’re fucked. If you use USAA for banking or insurance or whatever, it’s time to swap to Navy Fed. FUCK USAA!


Email my GF got from her boss. Her Grandfather passed this morning.


This is how our generation fights. see comment below


KiSS FM has been playing Rage Against the Machine on repeat for 24 hours now after layoffs


Are people just lazy here?


Criticisms of r/Antiwork on Social Media

Hi Seen a few posts recently showing FaceBook groups etc complaining about this sub. Can anyone point me to any of these groups on FaceBook or elsewhere? I quite fancy trolling them. (I'm good at it, I promise)


masood_boomgaard’s timeless advice


Employee autonomy or “Thou Shalt Not Marketh Thine Own Schedule”

Had an incident at my job and I'm really curious if this was blown out of proportion. For starters, our pay is based on a computer timeclock system. Nice and neat and efficient system. But we also have a written schedule roster. Most people are on regular schedules, some are flexible, but its generally understood that its not a strict guarantee of out times and certainly not a binding contract. Nor does anyone get in trouble for coming in early and tardiness is rarely punished. It is quite informal, has no dates, only the days of the week. It has no manager signature, no employee signatures, and no information regarding schedule policies. We constantly ask “is this next week's schedule?” because of how confusing this system is. This schedule gets updated frequently to explain people's absences or shift changes. An employee of several years was accidentally scheduled for a shift…


Any ideas on how to get food? I’ve tried venting about how I’m out of work and I need a basic human need and even people here just tell me off

Out of work out of food. No food pantries in my area, no resources, nothing basically. Ive tried pawning stuff , I have very little stuff to sell but yeah they offer my close to nothing