
America isn’t a 3rd World country with a Gucci belt


Saw this at a Braum’s in Missouri


My manager says he doesn’t hire ppl that don’t give their prev job 2 wks notice

Luckily, he was on holidays when I interviewed so I ended up speaking with the district manager, who offered me a nice signing to start right away. Manager's jaw dropped when I let him in on my hiring process. Fucking win. The days of the 2 week notice are over. Burn that bridge; you're not heading back that way so fuck it.


It’s alarming how empty my bank is when all I buy are necessities

I just quit my job because the management was extremely abusive and exploited me all the time and it was destroying my mental and physical health. Every shift would leave me broken and staying up all night trying to decompress. I couldn't stay any longer I would've had a stroke or kms if I had to go back there and work again. Fuck that place. I'm in the process of applying and interviewing for new, better paying roles but god damn is money tight. Tomorrow I have to give everything in my bank to my landlord. Was actually rummaging through drawers for bills and change because I didn't have quite enough while I wait for my final compensation coming next week. It's not even paycheck to paycheck anymore I'm trying to figure out what bill I'm not gonna pay or my bank account is gonna overdraft.


The power of ‘NO’.

When they start the conversation with: “Would you be willing to….” “Could I ask you a favor….” “I this is last second but….” You don't have to agree to whatever they're about to ask (especially if it's outside of your normal work duties). Say NO, and you don't need to elaborate. When you decide to be a “yes man” and you come in extra, or take on additional duties (whiteout additional compensation), then you set a precedent that you'll always allow yourself to be pushed around. So next time your boss waddles over and starts trying to get you to come in over the weekend, stay late, etc etc….say NO, say it firmly, and end the conversation. ​


Developed countries around the world should protest American-based companies until we get better working conditions and pay for working class Americans.

I think the only way to break corporate fascism is if the rest of the world starts to work against it. It might hurt for a few years but in the long term it will pay off. The corporate overlords will have to break eventually. Better yet, protest anything to do with the American government that doesn’t directly benefit the rest of the world until we start getting rights again. We are too busy trying to survive that we can hardly do anything for ourselves. The rest of America might be too far up it’s own ass to ask for help, but I’m not. Please help us.


Imagine having hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt only for your doctorate degree to get you $16/hr… Unbelievable.


The activist Supreme Court is on a tear through all of their major issues, Legislating from the bench, they’re coming for all aspects of the modern state. What can be done to stop this? What can organized labor do in response? And does any action result in risk to the concept of “organized labor”?

This is a blatant violation of separation of powers. However I believe the democrats don’t have the grit or stomach to protect us from conservative hell world. They’re a wholly inadequate institution and I feel, personally, that the only solution is a socialist party to replace and further cement the differences between the neoliberal business class and the ACTUAL PEOPLE.


After seeing these at work, I thought about this subreddit.


Grateful for what I have