
this is just plain wrong, no one should be forced to work overtime for a private company by the government

Canadian scaffolding workers are being forced with the threat of imprisonment to work “voluntary” overtime.


We will overcome!


My boomer parents vs me vainly trying

My parents bought a new house with like 25 rooms, I counted it myself. It even has an indoor fucking pool and other stuff. Meanwhile I'm renting a mere room in the city centre, it has pests and bugs, it's old as fuck, i have to share this amazing experience with 2 other people i dont care about and even this is ruining me financially and mentally as some bitch can have a permanent vacation on some tropical island just from our rents that we have to work hard for. When I pay my parents a visit my dad fucking chirps about how he loves the distinct 4 colors of bushes/trees that he sees from his stupid ass window to the garden and all i can reply is a sad “hm”. I asked my mom how much rent she paid when she was young and when i did the math…


What is the worst way that you have been micromanaged?

I had a boss last year that would call me every night and ask what I did that day during work. We used our phones to clock in so I started clocking in when he called me. Each conversation lasted roughly 20 minutes and then he got pissed when I had a couple of hours worth of overtime on my next paycheck. He thought our conversations were ‘friendly banter’ at 9PM… He then made the team start signing daily contracts of the three things that we had to get done that day. Needless to say, my whole team quit within two months. How have you been micromanaged before?


Do NOT train coworkers unless you are appropriately compensated for doing so and it is in your job description!!

Don't let your boss take advantage of you. Read your employment contract. Remember, you have a job description and a contract and if the boss tells you to go beyond or even sideways of either them, they are taking advantage of you. On top of this, they can use you as a scapegoat and blame you for the coworkers actions. Be patient and be strong! Speak to your coworker about this dynamic, and how you are neither trained nor paid to train others. DO NOT DO EXTRA WORK just to be the fall person for when things go wrong. DO NOT DO EXTRA WORK just to be doing extra work. DO NOT DO EXTRA WORK to fill the gaps your employer consciously leaves open. DO NOT DO EXTRA WORK. DO NOT DO EXTRA WORK.



Another year another 12 days lost not sure Who’s more of an idiotic me or my company


How would personal property (specifically houses) work minus capitalism?

I’m curious how people envision this playing out. Here are some questions I’ve had that: -Would you still be able to own a house, or would every kind of housing be ‘rented’ to you by the government? -If you could own a house, you almost certainly counter rent it. But could you sell it to someone else as a one-time transaction? -Could you pass a house down to your kids, or would the state take possession in some form? -Would everyone who didn’t own a home rent from the state? If people paid even a fraction of current rents, all that overhead would be great for social programs.


Professional Services, Culture

There is a conversation around the suicide of a consultant at a large global consulting firm. (Article below) I once worked at a large global professional services firm. For about 3 years. I actually lived close to work, about 5min bike ride. Occasionally I would go in on weekends just to pick up and drop off stuff I needed for projects. I noticed that there were Principals (like VPs for our American readers) who were there at really odd hours on weekends. So once I decided to go in on a Sunday at 8pm. Dude was there…There were a couple of guys who were ALWAYS there. Nothing is worth that sort of life. It's not a life.


What’s the point of having an on-call phone and an on-call schedule

When you still make people find their own coverage and ask people that aren't on call to cover a shift? The on call phone number is right there. I never get called in to cover a shift when I'm on call but when I'm not on call then I get asked by everyone. What the fuck?


For those against Quiet Quitting.

I've heard the argument that you should be grateful for the the job or the opportunity. You show that gratitude by putting in 110% percent and staying an extra ten minutes or coming in early to get ready before your shift starts. Here are my two questions. 1) gratitude goes both ways. You're paying me because you either can't do the work yourself or you simply do not want to. Yet you expect the gratitude to only come from the worker? Let me ask you this. What kind of toilet paper you have at the washroom? Do you try to give raises above and beyond the minimum you HAVE to give? Do you give your employees an extra week paid vacation above the mandatory minimum? Do you give your employees a few paid sick days a year? If you answer no to these. You should show a little more gratitude…