
Fired for being pregnant

This one happened yesterday to my wife's best friend. She worked for a facility that provides education for young adults with special needs. They work with severe handicaps as well, and the child she was with frequently lashes out, kicks, spits, etc. She loved the job though, and by all indications they loved the work she did since she started last summer. Until she became pregnant. Once she advised them she was pregnant, management became cold and callous towards her. She would be lectured for going to the bathroom, scolded for being late from a doctor's appointment, etc. Monday, her doctor put her on restrictions that provided no lifting above 15 pounds (she would frequently lift children in and out of wheelchairs) and to avoid working with students that might potentially kick her in the stomach, as she has a history of miscarriage. She presented these restrictions to management yesterday…


“Quiet Quitting”

So this is clearly a term that business owners came up with to make only doing your job seem as if it isn't enough right? I feel like I am taking crazy pills.


If only we got 10% of the attention they do; there might actually be some change.


Unions are not what they were 100 years ago. I’m not anti union, but you can’t be critical of unions on here at all without major backlash.

I've been trying to have meaningful engagements all week with people about unions. I've been called a union buster, a business owner, a whole bunch of 'insults' that have way more to do with paranoia than anything based in reality. I have some actual complaints about unions, reasons I haven't joined a union my whole working career. I don't like how unions try to have an unbiased political affiliation in the guise of a stronger membership: You're not going to see how 'John' is racist af and how that might be problematic to a conducive work environment? That's just a simple example of the lack of autonomy that's given in a union. Another example is how well paid they are in the trade, but what about notoriously underpaid TEACHERS. Unions are very small in 2022, and to not acknowledge the difference between when they were a majority in the workplace…


Repetitive strain injury

Just looking for some advice to help cover my back, I’ve received a RSI within my shoulder, should I get this logged in the accident book? What if they refuse to log it etc?


My friend has been working a new role for 3 months but hasn’t been paid his new salary

My friend’s new role comes with a pay increase but his boss has said he won’t be able to receive this until the end of the tax year April 2023 – is this normal or is he being shafted? He seems to think this is perfectly normal but it really doesn’t sit right with me – surely he can’t be taking on this extra workload (it’s a very demanding role) without being paid for it for almost a full year. This is U.K. based btw


Not so equal

Maybe this is not the right subreddit to post this but I want to rant a little :') I am job hunting and and I am so frustrated rn. I am like always getting rejected. Sometimes I don't know even why bcs I getted ghosted so there is no way to know :') And then this last one, that bcs I am from Latin America they can't continue with the process of selection… Like seriously? You say you like my portfolio and are in urgent need of ppl, but oh no I am not making contracts with ppl outside of Europe. Then why do you put that you don't discriminate by sex, religion and NATIONALITY on your job post? Just to be a goody two shoes in todays society? I am so tired of this… And then old people says that the young generation doesnt want to work. Sure, I…


A healthcare worker takes her own life after bullying and mobbing at work


what would YOU guys do?

No one knows anything around me so… I need advice So I FINALLY got a job, after 6 months of looking, I got hired for part-time at a small retail store. But there's problems. I'm a cashier. And, everyday, when I count my till, I'm short about 2 dollars. I've only been working for 3 days. But my manager, she watches my every move, and says that I can't keep losing money, she completely HATES me. Every manager hates me. They hate everyone, and I'm pretty sure if I keep this up, I'll get fired. I worked as a cashier at Walmart for 5 months prior to getting hired at this current store. And everyday, I'd be short like at least 3 dollars a day. But they said it was fine. But now my manager is all like, “I'm never off on my money. This is what we have to…


Work by rule should always be the rule.

We do not need to redefine it. Workers have been following this for decades. Extra work deserves extra effort and compensation.