
Employer doesn’t offer PTO or COVID pay

I tested positive on Thursday for COVID. My manager said he would ask the store owner if he would give me COVID pay. The owner said no. I work for a phone company under an authorized retailer. I already don't make enough to afford my bills and groceries for the month most of the time. Now I'm scared I definitely can't. I live in PA. Any advice on how to go about this or if there is a way of getting anything through the state? I tried looking, but I can't find any recent and clear info that's not for Philly exclusively. Thanks!


This company threatens its employees EVERYDAY

Can’t believe I actually worked for them


Elon Musk is back on Santa’s naughty list


So much for “capitalism created phones”


Vacation Tips


If Corporations are People…

That means the Head of Household is a narcissist with golden child syndrome for the 1% and a deadbeat to the rest of their children. How pathetic.


Need advice!!!

Owner at my company put up a few camera at our store so he can monitor the employees at home which sucks but he is perfectly within his rights to do so. The problem is that he installed a camera which records audio as well which is 100% illegal in the state of Washington. Any advice short of quitting to get this privacy violation problem solved?


McDonald’s thinks paying mangers 15 an hour is the best they can do. No wonder they are trying to hire kids.


What is the capitalism endgame?

You work to make money, which you need for everything essential to living. Food, shelter, the bottom half of Maslow's pyramid. Fundamental Capitalism. Some people are satisfied there. Or you can work to save money so, eventually, you will be able to stop working, and live off the savings. Maybe provide a head start for your kids. Most of us would be happy stopping there, and good luck to us all. If you're lucky or ambitious or aggressive enough to speedrun the process, and already have enough money to never have to work again, but still bust your ass to acquire more, what's the goal? It takes considerable effort and intelligence (and usually a head start) to enter the ranks of the .1% – so why is all that effort put into acquiring more than anyone could ever use or even give away? Continuously making deals and acquisitions, taking risks…


HR just gave me a 1.25% raise, I’d rather pay them to fuck off.