Month: April 2023
Walmart told hubby he'll be fired if he keeps taking “long lunches”. He uses his lunch at around 8am to drive back across town, pick me up, take me to work since we share a car. They are often no longer than 15 min max, which they said they were ok with….at first. We live across town where we can afford to. He goes into work at 4am and is a great worker. His work often receives compliments. I'm pissed, but we are doing everything we can to save so I can hopefully get a car of my own, since a shitty driver destroyed mine and fled the scene, leaving me with vehicle replacement (couldn't afford the “good insurance” that actually protects the person paying for it) and medical bills (everyone including cops at accident scene told me car insurance would pay for ambulance ride to the ER) Of course,…
United Oligarchs of America.
“give yourself a raise”
I work at a retail place for $13/hour. We have an internal email that tells us about upcoming promotions and floor resets and the like. They sent out an announcement the other day about a new promotion which they've affectionately called “give yourself a raise.” If we sell certain products within a certain time frame we get an extra $1 added to our checks for each one. It's always been like this, that's fine. I'm just like you couldn't pick a different title? Like you're acknowledging us you don't pay us enough.
I work in a small food factory (less than 70 employees). I work 2nd shift as a field QA and production supervisor. I and my fellow 2nd supervisors come in and immediately have a production meeting with the supervisors from 1st shift and very often our plant manager/boss. We have to deal with an increasingly toxic work environment and part of that toxicity comes from a fellow supervisor who is trying to sub for production management. We and our under employees are prone to making small paperwork mistakes and it's become an increasing activity that more of our production meeting is devoted to letting this one supervisor shame the entirety of 2nd shift about these mistakes. Fairly certain my boss hates it (because he has started leaving as I'm literally walking in the door). But, it keeps happening. How can I put a stop to it? Productive advice appreciated.
Just started a new job recently after being let go by my previous one due to “performance” but I have a feeling it was due to a reduction in force even though I got along with mostly everyone, the company was having high turnover and low retention so maybe it was for the best. The supervisor for some reason lowkey hated me, that's how I felt and probably found a way to get me fired. Fast forward to recently, I started my new job at another legal firm. I got an offer and I accepted it because this job market is questionable and I just wanted to find a job. The pay was very low, under $20 an hour, literally close to the minimum wage in the state around $16-17. I was just tired of getting ghosted and did not want to wait too long to find a new role.…
I guess I just need a pep talk. I was so excited to get this opportunity and I still love the work I do but the toxic environment is killing me. My boss is scheduling me 6 days a week at absurd hours and pushing back on every boundary I try to set. They’ll extend my hours the day before without talking to me about it at all and then threaten me with less shifts going forward when I say I can’t do it on such short notice. I got time off approved weeks in advance and when the schedule came out I was working. I kindly pointed it out the next time I saw them and they went off on me yelling that I changed the dates (spoiler: I didn’t, they just didn’t actually read the message before they replied). My boss also literally never talks to me and…
First of all, sorry about the bad english, it's been a while since I wrote something. So, I left my previous job because I didn't see myself growing there, and the pay was little below average. But my co-workers and boss were excellent people, great chemistry between us and any requirements would be done pretty fast. The company has 40+ years in the market so the procedures were clear (not always) but manageable, but as I said, I didn't have the option to take leadership in proyects, that was my only problem, I could put up with the bad payment until I find something diferrent if I could take the head role of somethings, but that wasn't the case. Now, I found a new job, this new company has a little above 10+years in the market, but it offered a raise and what I was looking for, leadership in proyects.…
I work for a small, independent auto repair shop in southeast Michigan (US). There are about 6 technicians total, not a big place. I'm one of four or so junior techs, but there are only two senior techs, who are the ones who bring in the big dollars. So the shop really depends on these two guys. The other day, the shop was hosting one of its regular events, where one of the senior techs does a demonstration repair project in front of a big crowd. (If you think working on cars is stressful, try doing it on a deadline and for an audience.) These events bring in a ton of business for the shop. The senior tech who was doing the demonstration has worked 60 hours a week for this shop for at least a decade. He's easily the biggest driver of the shop's revenue. Let's call him Joe.…
Think this goes here
So, my first original post and I think it fits here. Sorry if its a bit long. At my previous work I was a project-engineer for a company producing windows. I used to handle bigger clients who bought from 200K to 8M. First of, I loved my work, my coworkers were great and the products were great too. Management though, not so much. It was a family company and anyone who was family could get a job. Which meant our head sales didn't know a thing about windows, neither did our sales CEO and our CEO. We had no technical CEO onboard. Because they sold a lot of wrong or impossible stuff we were overloaded quickly and after about a year in it resulted in me having a burn out. As said the coworkers were great, so was HR and they got me through it all and helped where they…