
Revolution! (Poop at Work) – Griefcat (Official Music Video)

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I changed career paths & my boss is forcing me back?

I had experience as an accountant but managed to shift gears and start working in software development. It took me years. I asked my boss not to tell anyone about my experience in finance as I didn’t want to be judged for my origin story. A year in, today, he told my director about my history and now I have a whole ass finance related project on my plate. I know they need my expertise here but god fucking damn it I feel like I can’t escape. I feel like my manager threw me under a bus and forced my hand in the effort to try to prevent a catastrophic failure. He gave me a speech about not letting the team down. I’ve watched them struggle for awhile with things I knew I could fix. But I’m in software development now. Atleast, I tried to be. Those problems weren’t mine…


This article about Gen Z workers doesn’t quote a single Gen Z worker.


I was laid off this morning being told my position was being eliminated. I later found out that my position is being filled by someone else.

This morning I was laid off over a team's meeting being told that my position was being eliminated. Attached is one image an email from HR going back over some of the things we discussed and including my severance package. Later I found out that an email was sent by my boss company wide second image) about filling my position with another person. I'm pretty sure this is illegal but can someone shed some light on this for me?


Depersonalization is a skill to work in retail??


My boss revoked Memorial Day off without telling me

I've been working at this place for quite a while now, and the big boss has a vendetta for coming after me. Last I checked the schedule this past Tuesday, I had Memorial Day off. We're closed and I fully expected everyone had the holiday off. We get a slack message about how some people are scheduled to come in and clean, and I notice my schedule has been changed without my knowledge to come in on the holiday along with 3 others out of 30 employees. I either don't get a holiday because fuck me I guess or I get fired for insubordination, yipeee.


This resonates on a deep level


I quit my job 2 years ago… what now?

I used to be a corporate banker in Dubai, I hated every single minute of it and how everyone was just a scheming against everyone. After a holiday trip I decided to resign, and it didn’t go well with my very petty manager but I still managed it. While I was working there I was mostly involved in sales. Later on I decided to invest in my friends business and I’ve been getting paid yearly dividends from it. But I feel like I can do more but nothing is working out. Decided to reapply for jobs but never any banks because I’ve been told they’re all basically the same. So now I’m just doing nothing and feel miserable. Any advice? I’ve been thinking on getting into remote sales jobs, but haven’t been finding any or getting into contact with anyone who does.


I hate my job but love the people

I(17f) just started a new job on Wednesday as a cashier for a non for profit organization. I don't like it. I love the people but I want to quit. I have another job I've been at since last August but need the extra money. How do I go about this? Do I quit?


My boss has been manipulating me and I have only just noticed.

It’s currently just past midnight, and a few weeks ago I told my boss I was not coming back after university. I was then messaged by her husband, asking me to do a weekend of shifts because my boss is having a ‘mental breakdown’ over it. I agreed, having seen her cry about this sort of thing before, but now I realise that it was a guilt-trip. My shift is in 11 hours, what do I do? If I go in, they’re gonna try to manipulate me in person, and I’m not amazingly strong-willed. If I don’t show up, they know me on a lot of platforms and they know where I live. I never signed a contract, so technically blocking them and never showing up isn’t illegal, right? I just need advice.