
The ultimate antiwork job is to be a landlord.

If you own a apartment building, you won’t have to work. It’s a great life hack. We should all strive for this.


I just quit my job after almost 3 months working there

Hi, i (19FtM) just quit my job at Publix (store 0469) due to poor working conditions and neglectful managment. My mom is proud of me for standing up for myself and not letting managment push me past my limits but i dont really know where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice?


Or should they be euthanised for the greater good? I’m jUSt AsKinG QUesTiONs


A tale of two companies

I got Covid in March of 2020, it sucked. I had to work while sick because my boss at the time said it was all a hoax. I have covid again, and I'm being told to not work (working from home), they said they want me to feel better. The difference between conservatives and liberal run companies.


Told my program manager my wife had emergency surgery last weekend, got a response to make sure I “followed procedure” when taking time off/flextime

Just a rant, but it really irked me and I wanted to share: after having severe stomach aches since mid last week, it finally got too unbearable and we went to the emergency room. After waiting for hours and hours (which is an entirely different story), my wife was diagnosed with severe gallbladder inflammation and infection, and had to have it removed ASAP. She did have it removed and everything went well and without complications and she was discharged after a couple of days in the hospital. We're staying at her parents for the extra help, so my work isn't too affected (even though of course I help her getting up and walking, medicine, specific foods and liquid diet she needs, etc.). I notified my immediate supervisor in a text message (because he's out on PTO) and said I might need to take time off or be offline (I work…


Fired Before Termination Letters

I worked for a pest control company in Texas and I was basically fired over an emoji. Long story short, we were asked repeatedly by office personnel to respond with an emoji when we got a message from them on Slack, our company app for communication. As if we don't have bigger fish to fry, the technicians were responding as one would expect, in a condescending way. One tech told everyone to pick an emoji so the office knew had gotten their messages according to the emojis. Well I picked the clown face and someone else picked the middle finger and so forth and so on. Well needless to say, I responded to a message with a clown emoji and got fired. The laws for at will states suck by the way. Doubt there is anything I can do about it. Well here lies the question at hand. I was…


Job interviews not being for the position I applied for

I’ve been unemployed for a while and looking for a new job. I still work retail/restaurant type of jobs but I need something with no or very minimal direct customer service. Recently I applied for a position to go bake donuts at a Dunkin in the early morning. I get to the “interview” and when asked about my availability I started talking about which mornings I couldn’t work and the lady starts looking at me confused. She says they’re only looking for mid or closing shift team members (workin drive thru, cashiering). I said I applied for an early morning position and she just mutters something about having to take that down. I say I’m not interested anymore and go on my way. Today I had another interview at a department store for a positions that was described as merchandising before the store opens. Again, I get there and when…


No pay increase 7 years

Only increase are the ones that the government mandates for minimum wage. So 7 years on and I am minimum wage earner. As my duties increased I requested pay increases. Lots of excuses that are not a “me” problem but a “they” problem with no pay increase. When I do go with why I deserve an increase they find OLD NEVER MENTIONED infractions to deny me. Owner and life partner are the ones I have to deal with. I am 7 months away from retiring and have 2 weeks vacation time I have requested to use but they can't commit to as it is busy season. I walk with a cane due to a degenerative disease, my spouse is disabled. Sick of not being paid what I am worth so I have scaled back on the amount of invoicing and the speed I did it at. I walk slower than…


Can’t figure out my job? Guess I don’t need to work, then

This story (ongoing) is about my husband and his highly incompetent workplace. My husband has been at his place of work for fifteen years. He doesn't have a college degree, but he has learned on-the-job to be pretty excellent at it. He's also had side work in the same field at numerous other places, always with a stellar reputation. June '22, his boss resigns (aka pissed off the wrong person and was forced out). Hubs is promoted to “interim” manager. This comes with a nice pay raise (50%!) however, because it was only interim, they didn't fill his old role, planning to wait til they made the manager position official for someone. So for a year, he has done the work of two full-time people. A couple months ago, someone who retired in May sent out an email letting the team know what was going on with staffing. She probably…


Requiring employees to be Christian doesn’t seem very Christian to me