
23 years old approaching 120k net worth

The money is spread out between my 401k and ira both of which I max out annually, hysa, brokerage account, savings account, and checking account, and a certificate of deposit account. I never went to college and have no debt as my vehicle is payed off. I say all this to go into the fact I hate my life. I’m an electrical lineman. I work extremely long hours (24+ hour shifts on occasion, 16 hour shifts regularly). I’m on call regularly meaning they can call me and force me to come to work anytime for about a week at a time meaning if they call me at 3am during a thunderstorm after I already worked a 12 hour shift that day I’d have to show up. The work is dangerous and physically exhausting to the point I can’t do anything but sleep or play video games when I get home…

The money is spread out between my 401k and ira both of which I max out annually, hysa, brokerage account, savings account, and checking account, and a certificate of deposit account. I never went to college and have no debt as my vehicle is payed off. I say all this to go into the fact I hate my life. I’m an electrical lineman. I work extremely long hours (24+ hour shifts on occasion, 16 hour shifts regularly). I’m on call regularly meaning they can call me and force me to come to work anytime for about a week at a time meaning if they call me at 3am during a thunderstorm after I already worked a 12 hour shift that day I’d have to show up. The work is dangerous and physically exhausting to the point I can’t do anything but sleep or play video games when I get home (lucky enough to have a great relationship with my parents who allow me to live at home for free). The job has stopped me from enjoying life and has effected my relationship with my girlfriend as I never want to do much when I’m off. Half of my coworkers are intolerable every other day practically ends up in a fist fight between crew members. And the rest of the aspects of the job I’ll leave up to your imagination. I say all this to ask, is this the life boomers wanted for us? This is what success looks like to them? A completely miserable existence that consist in exchange for having any amount of money? I mean I worked away my early 20s for 120k!? In todays economy that’s literally nothing you can buy a house worth a shit and I refuse to rent a space because then I’ll never get ahead in life I garner as much interest I can to make passive income to try to eventually escape this shit job but it’ll take so long I might as well just tough it out till retirement. I’ll have money but I won’t be happy. I feel horrible for the vast majority living paycheck to paycheck never having a hope at being financially free that just seems so hopeless it would break me. Anyway just rambling at this point.

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