
4 vacation days left

My son graduates high school on June 6th (Tuesday). I'm taking a vacation (sick day) on that day so I don't have to worry about work. That counts as one, should I take the final 3 days the rest of that week and recharge or save 'em for rainy days? Long story short, I work nightshift, 4p to midnight, and I'm burnt out completely. Need to take care of some personal matters, including finding a better job with dayshift hours. Also need to finalize information for applying for energy (electric bill) assistance. I've just about had it with this place. It's an easy job and is compatible with my ADHD issues but I've already quiet quit cause it's a mental drain due to idiot clients and a mildly toxic boss. Fire away with your thoughts!

My son graduates high school on June 6th (Tuesday). I'm taking a vacation (sick day) on that day so I don't have to worry about work. That counts as one, should I take the final 3 days the rest of that week and recharge or save 'em for rainy days? Long story short, I work nightshift, 4p to midnight, and I'm burnt out completely. Need to take care of some personal matters, including finding a better job with dayshift hours. Also need to finalize information for applying for energy (electric bill) assistance. I've just about had it with this place. It's an easy job and is compatible with my ADHD issues but I've already quiet quit cause it's a mental drain due to idiot clients and a mildly toxic boss. Fire away with your thoughts!

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