
40 hours a week is part time

The title isn't my opinion but seems to be the common opinion where I live. Since moving to a new town earlier this year I have held 2 separate jobs. Both places shared the idea that their 40 hour workers were “part time”, while those that worked 60 hours per week were “full time” employees. Neither one of these companies have anything to do with each other nor do they produce the same products. Is this a common employer thought process everywhere?

The title isn't my opinion but seems to be the common opinion where I live. Since moving to a new town earlier this year I have held 2 separate jobs. Both places shared the idea that their 40 hour workers were “part time”, while those that worked 60 hours per week were “full time” employees.

Neither one of these companies have anything to do with each other nor do they produce the same products. Is this a common employer thought process everywhere?

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