
64 year old father fired after 17 years at his company, right before retirement.

Idk, just a rant. My father is very near retirement age and has been with a certain company for 17 years. The last six years he’s been a top producer, always part of the president’s club trips, and in fact as recent as 6 months ago he received recognition from his VP for being the best Market Manager in the Great Lakes (I think for them it covers 6 states) region. Anyways, his boss is fairly new at the company and doesn’t like my father, he’s made several remarks about his inability to communicate well with his subordinates because of his accent (we’re Eastern European immigrants). He’s also had a company car with them for all those years, and this morning they took that away as well even though they had planned for him to buy out that car once he enters retirement. I guess they have some sort of…

Idk, just a rant. My father is very near retirement age and has been with a certain company for 17 years. The last six years he’s been a top producer, always part of the president’s club trips, and in fact as recent as 6 months ago he received recognition from his VP for being the best Market Manager in the Great Lakes (I think for them it covers 6 states) region. Anyways, his boss is fairly new at the company and doesn’t like my father, he’s made several remarks about his inability to communicate well with his subordinates because of his accent (we’re Eastern European immigrants). He’s also had a company car with them for all those years, and this morning they took that away as well even though they had planned for him to buy out that car once he enters retirement. I guess they have some sort of a program that works like that.

Now for the reason they gave him for the firing: he had failed to hire enough store managers by a given date. The date was supppsed to be “end of fiscal year” which for this company is end of April, and my dad has that in writing. When confronted, his boss said that’s not true, and that he had given him until the end of the year, as in December of 2022, so that was a lie on their end.

Anyways, being in his mid 60s, having an essentially useless masters degree in business from an Eastern European university, he has no prospects here and I can’t support us both. So after 20 years of living the “American Dream”, we are forced to move back to Serbia. Lovely. I guess the vodka will be cheaper to drown our sorrows.

Thanks for coming to my rant about shitty American corporate structure!

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