
Confidential Statement for company is not so confidential

In short, My spouse is a branch manager for a very large company. Basically, at their sister branch, an investigation was being conducted on their manager (who is also her friend, let’s call her Becky) and very close coworker, they work with each other daily. My spouse was NOT the reason this investigation started however, it honestly was warranted. HR and corporate came down and it was this big deal. They had a real reason. During her questioning, she did nothing but tell the truth (in fear for her own job, and it did not look good for Becky) . HR recorded all of this and typed it out and had my spouse sign it as a confidentiality agreement. They interviewed everyone at the branch as well and they all had pretty similar answers. Well, the bombshell is WHEN HR PRINTED THIS, THEY ACCIDENTALLY PRINTED IT AT BECKYS BRANCH TOO…

In short, My spouse is a branch manager for a very large company. Basically, at their sister branch, an investigation was being conducted on their manager (who is also her friend, let’s call her Becky) and very close coworker, they work with each other daily. My spouse was NOT the reason this investigation started however, it honestly was warranted. HR and corporate came down and it was this big deal. They had a real reason. During her questioning, she did nothing but tell the truth (in fear for her own job, and it did not look good for Becky) . HR recorded all of this and typed it out and had my spouse sign it as a confidentiality agreement. They interviewed everyone at the branch as well and they all had pretty similar answers. Well, the bombshell is WHEN HR PRINTED THIS, THEY ACCIDENTALLY PRINTED IT AT BECKYS BRANCH TOO AND THEY STILL HAVE NO IDEA. Everyone at beckys branch knows what my spouse said and it has completely decimated her, even if she was in the right. What should she do? Are there any legal actions she could take?

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