
Garage Security

I work security in a garage for a company in downtown St.Louis. At first I’d say it was probably the easiest security job I’ve had. I started in Nov when it was starting to get cold out and in the beginning they let us sit in our cars and do pretty much wte as long as we did what we needed to do. A couple months go by and we’re giving very meager and probably regretted raises and thats when it started to become APITA. They wanted us to rotate the security booth every 30-45 minutes ok done no problem. Then they wanted us to do shift reports for every shift kinda pointless but ok fine. After that it was you have to stand on the veranda at 4a so the clients feel safe and then once the weather started getting hot it was when they really showed their asses.…

I work security in a garage for a company in downtown St.Louis. At first I’d say it was probably the easiest security job I’ve had. I started in Nov when it was starting to get cold out and in the beginning they let us sit in our cars and do pretty much wte as long as we did what we needed to do. A couple months go by and we’re giving very meager and probably regretted raises and thats when it started to become APITA. They wanted us to rotate the security booth every 30-45 minutes ok done no problem. Then they wanted us to do shift reports for every shift kinda pointless but ok fine. After that it was you have to stand on the veranda at 4a so the clients feel safe and then once the weather started getting hot it was when they really showed their asses.

The security coordinator for the company that’s contracted with the security company sent a text to the site supervisor who then sent that text to the shift supervisor saying That my shift was too longer sit in our cars for no reason whatsoever and if we’re caught we’re to be sent home immediately and we didnt like it we could leave. So you know what we did next of course we walked tf out. Get a call the next morning from the site supervisor asking what happened . I told her that the text was disrespectful to give us the choice of either do this go leave and i left. She tried justifying the text say that shift lead wasn’t supposed to say anything until we got in our car. My response (worded nicely) was that she knew we were going to get in our cars after doing what we’re supposed to (she’s the one who told me i can sit in my car and fuck off on my first day)and by the sound of it was a set up if that was the case.

My reasoning for walking out that night was not that I couldn’t sit in my car because i was actually looking forward to saving on gas but I walked out because i just had enough. I work overnight security in one of the most dangerous city’s in America, not only that but the weather is a POS too coupled with long sleeve military-cut shirts and black pants and the fact that the garage i work in gets humid asf and the booth, which is the only place to get cool in the garage anymore) doesnt fit more than 1 person comfortably let alone 3-4 and we’re supposed to rotate every 30-45 minutes.

Now i dont complain too much or ask for much at work. but i did try to negotiate and i didnt think it was an unreasonable request I asked since it gets really hot if we could wear shorts nothing crazy like basketball or jean shorts but like some black or khaki work shorts and of course they said no but they got us dark color polo shirts to go with our black pants so yay.

What i haven’t said is that garage has black mold i think throughout and literally one opening on the ground floor where air can flow through. And remember when i said i work overnight security in downtown st.louis well the company with the security contract wont allow/permit us to have firearms on the property and went as far as to put it on a sign in front of garage for everyone to see

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