
Small victory, I quit today

So i was hired to work at retail job for a ups franchise last month. Started off good. Enjoyed the customers and my coworkers were great and i even liked the manager. Then after a week i woke up. Manager likes some folks better than others and bullys people she doesnt like. Owner could care less because were easy to replace but the manager not so much. Anyways she bullys one guy into quiting by messing with his schedule last minute to make it so he worked all the hours he explicitly requested off so he could help at a church camp thing and then she picks on me a bit. It starts minor enough, yelling at me till i break down crying, messing with my work, berating me for others mistakes. Ofc im not the only one, she is targeting 2 of the 4 of the remaining employees excluding…

So i was hired to work at retail job for a ups franchise last month. Started off good. Enjoyed the customers and my coworkers were great and i even liked the manager. Then after a week i woke up. Manager likes some folks better than others and bullys people she doesnt like. Owner could care less because were easy to replace but the manager not so much. Anyways she bullys one guy into quiting by messing with his schedule last minute to make it so he worked all the hours he explicitly requested off so he could help at a church camp thing and then she picks on me a bit. It starts minor enough, yelling at me till i break down crying, messing with my work, berating me for others mistakes. Ofc im not the only one, she is targeting 2 of the 4 of the remaining employees excluding me. Random threats of writing them up, mocking one for being pregnant, lots of insinuated insultes, extra shifts assigned at random. Awful crap that lead to another person quiting.

She starts coming down harder on me now. I get cornered and yelled at in the mailroom then threatened because i complained about being yelled at. I am assigned to work every single day the store is open, minimum 8 hrs a day but usually 10 and often with no warning. I literally was hospitalized for a potential stroke and sent her pictures of the iv in my arm and the papers i had up to that point and she still called me and demanded i come in then mocked me saying it was just a headache like what she was dealing with. Just more and more shit. Then she comes after my break explicitly saying she doesnt like me taking a break at all despite it being protected by law but meanwhile her and another coworker leave in the middle of the day for 3 hours to go door dash for extra money at one point while clocked in.

So today she gets on me. I say if it stays slow would she like me to vaccum. She decides for some reason to get confrontational and says it doesnt look vaccumed. I said thats why i was offering, we vaccum 3 times a week, last time i got it was thursday, seems like it needs it again. Is there a problem with that? She goes and gets real nasty again and says no but it doesnt look like its been vaccumed in a month and says shes going to open the vaccum and examine it to make sure it isnt broken and that i should hope it is. Dont ask me why but i said screw it and confronted her. I waited till we were alone and asked her what her problem was with me, she asked me what i meant, i pointed to the thing that literally just happened and her response was “its all just gossip. Theres such an unhealthy amount of gossip around this store these past few weeks especially since you got here. You do it and create your own problems.” I was baffled because wtf does gossip have to do with it but when i countered by saying even if i did so what, this isnt a conversation about gossip this is about how you treat me and it makes it uncomfortable to work here. Rather than doing an adult thing like working on some way to work something out or even make a vague promise towards being better she said “if this job is that bad then you should go.”

So i handed her my keys, clocked out and left. I have never quit a job before and i sure as shit have never walked out before but i did today and i feel great. I take even greater joy in looking at the schedule and realizing how screwed she is. She is down to 1 full timer and 2 part timers and hasnt been able to hire anyone after weeks of trying. 1 of the partimers is pregnant and talking about leaving in a few weeks and the other fulltimer not only cant work overtime due to the owner but is planning to reduce his hours next month because he makes more money as a traveling notary apparently.

I honestly consider this all such a win for me personally. My last job i was so whipped i stayed for 2 years until i was fired despite making below minimum wage even though i agreed to being paid 5 dollars above it and was treated like dirt but stayed i was so grateful for a job yet here i finally walked.

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