
Leaving my job and told my boss months ago but he seems angry

I have been a contractual employee in my job for four (4) years now and last year, there was a problem with the approval of my new contract which led me to being jobless for almost three (3) months. When I was informed last year that I would be jobless, my boss told me there was a possibility of my contract getting approved around March of this year but that he can’t confirm if it will happen for sure so I wasted no time in applying for other jobs and searching for other opportunities. Now I got one that requires me to move abroad for 10 months. It will pay less but the working hours are also way less (but I also can’t find another one because I’ll be on a Student Visa) but it’ll be a great experience. So yeah in March they somehow fixed my contract and I…

I have been a contractual employee in my job for four (4) years now and last year, there was a problem with the approval of my new contract which led me to being jobless for almost three (3) months. When I was informed last year that I would be jobless, my boss told me there was a possibility of my contract getting approved around March of this year but that he can’t confirm if it will happen for sure so I wasted no time in applying for other jobs and searching for other opportunities.

Now I got one that requires me to move abroad for 10 months. It will pay less but the working hours are also way less (but I also can’t find another one because I’ll be on a Student Visa) but it’ll be a great experience.

So yeah in March they somehow fixed my contract and I was able to go back to my old, temporary job. After a few weeks, I summoned the courage to tell my boss that I’m grateful to be back, but that I’m also taking the other opportunity and so I’ll be leaving in six (6) months. I couldn’t really tell how he took it but he said it’s going to be a problem for them.

Now that I’m leaving next month, each day I’m glad of my decision because he’s basically treating me and my colleague plus our boss as slaves. There’s only three (3) of us now in our section but he makes us do the task of 5 people. He refuses to lighten the workload even when one of us is on leave. And he hasn’t allowed my boss to take even one day of vacation this year.

When I handed him my resignation letter, he told me that we have to talk about it in private. So far it hasn’t happened yet but I’m dreading it because I’m pretty sure he’ll basically tell me that their efforts to get me back were all for naught. I’m probably being paranoid but I’m also afraid that he won’t approve my Student Visa because of the problems that my leaving will bring. (Yeah I’m a local staff of a foreign mission here in my country.)

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