
Sick last week from bad prescription reaction, came back today for work, fired on the spot.

I was working for a pest control company based out of Katy, TX for the last 2.5 years. Mu customers loved me and never had any real complaints about my services besides maybe moving faster than the previous tech who I replaced. I was working mostly in the Houston area for most of this time. We had lost a tech due to unforseen circumstances, and another due to quadruple bypass surgery. They decided to move people around to other areas. I was moved to the North side of Houston, which is cool cuz I live north of Houston. I did this route for about 3 months and noticed the routes getting smaller and smaller. So, I decided to call the office and ask why I'm getting such crappy hours, I'm not salaried like some guys there and need a full day of work to pay my bills. I had this…

I was working for a pest control company based out of Katy, TX for the last 2.5 years. Mu customers loved me and never had any real complaints about my services besides maybe moving faster than the previous tech who I replaced.

I was working mostly in the Houston area for most of this time. We had lost a tech due to unforseen circumstances, and another due to quadruple bypass surgery. They decided to move people around to other areas. I was moved to the North side of Houston, which is cool cuz I live north of Houston.

I did this route for about 3 months and noticed the routes getting smaller and smaller. So, I decided to call the office and ask why I'm getting such crappy hours, I'm not salaried like some guys there and need a full day of work to pay my bills. I had this conversation maybe 3 times.

Come around Friday, August 19th and noticed the following week has 3 jobs on the entire week. With a “meeting” with my boss scheduled on Tuesday morning. That same Friday. I had left for a scheduled Dr appointment and got a prescription for something that was supposed to help. He said I may experience headaches and facial flushing, which is fine, I rarely get headaches.

Saturday morning, I fill my script and take my first dosage around noon. Later that day, I started to experience a pretty solid headache and just went about my day. Sunday rolls around and I continue my dosage, headache is much more intense, like a migraine, but all over. I had a concert that night and there was no way I was missing Mudvayne live. So I went and dealt eoth the migraine. On my way home from the show, we stop to get a snack at Whataburger. I go inside and order and then felt as if I had the chills. Got home, had a 100.8 fever. Damn.

Monday rolls around and I call out due to high fever and migraine. This continued throughout the day, so by noon, I had to call outbfor Tuesday. My boss was already seemingly upset that ibwas sick. I had to call him to let him know as well so he could reschedule the “meeting”. Wednesday, still not feeling well and it's also the last night I took this medication. Had to call for Thursday off again cuz it wouldn't go away. Once again boss pissed cuz he had to reschedule our “meeting”. Thursday was no different, so I decided to get a covid test, just to be sure. Sure enough, negative result. So I called and told them I will be back Monday and it's not covid.

I wake up Friday morning and have a severe rash on my stomach. Which my wife and I concluded was due to the meds I was taking. I started using cortisone cream immediately and took some benadryl to try and get rid of it. I did this Saturday as well with no positive results. So Sunday, I go to the urgent care and they had to give me a steroid injection, steroid cream and prednisone for when the injection wears off.

Finally, Monday rolls around. I get up nice and early and get my oldest daughter to school. Had to be at my “meeting” at 8am. I was running on time, then get stuck in a serious traffic situation on 99, which made me 1 hour late to this “meeting”.

I finally arrive and my boss comes outside. I mentioned how I'm sorry about last week, I had a bad reaction to my medication. He didn't care. Just said, I'm gonna have to let you go. Because I am “not in it” anymore. Whatever the fuck that means. I come to work every fucking day and do my fucking job. He said he has had to many complaints from the ladies in the office about me giving them an attitude. I had an attitude maybe once because of some dumb shit they tried to pull on my route. But, this should have been a fucking write up at the very least. Fuck you Chris, I hope you read this you piece of shit.

Came back after dealing with drug eruption to getting fired on the spot with no previous write ups. All because I was concerned about my hours.

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