
We need old-fashioned job applying back

What happened to the old ways, to enter a business and ask for a job? Many who asked at least got a chance at showing their skills and work ethics. Now it’s filling endless forms online, psychometric tests etc. and often several interview rounds. This is bullshit, plain and simple. Give people a chance. If I was a business owner I would skip HR department all together and interview the applicants myself the old-fashioned way. Boss and applicant face to face, no HR bullshit in between. HR is responsible in not hiring many capable people. What most CEO’s don’t understand is that when you have mediocre HR staff your company don’t get the best talents.

What happened to the old ways, to enter a business and ask for a job? Many who asked at least got a chance at showing their skills and work ethics. Now it’s filling endless forms online, psychometric tests etc. and often several interview rounds. This is bullshit, plain and simple. Give people a chance. If I was a business owner I would skip HR department all together and interview the applicants myself the old-fashioned way. Boss and applicant face to face, no HR bullshit in between. HR is responsible in not hiring many capable people. What most CEO’s don’t understand is that when you have mediocre HR staff your company don’t get the best talents.

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