
I can’t wait to whistle blow my job and take away everyone’s pension

I hope everyone who works at my job loses their pensions. Genuinely. It’s a cynical sadistic place. I work at a geriatric center. Aka prison for the elderly. If you want to get technical it’s an “Extended Care Facility”. I hope this place gets shut down and I hope that the state removes everyone’s pension. You could look up my job on Google and all the reviews say that it’s literally a horror house. People have died within days under our care when they came in healthy just old. The state is already keeping us under a microscope and for good reason too. No snitching goes to the grave since everyone wants the pension and that leads to problems not getting fixed. The rule is that you really only get fired if you kill someone. So abusing people is okay! Not really but it’s the facility’s philosophy at this point.…

I hope everyone who works at my job loses their pensions. Genuinely. It’s a cynical sadistic place. I work at a geriatric center. Aka prison for the elderly. If you want to get technical it’s an “Extended Care Facility”. I hope this place gets shut down and I hope that the state removes everyone’s pension. You could look up my job on Google and all the reviews say that it’s literally a horror house. People have died within days under our care when they came in healthy just old. The state is already keeping us under a microscope and for good reason too. No snitching goes to the grave since everyone wants the pension and that leads to problems not getting fixed. The rule is that you really only get fired if you kill someone. So abusing people is okay! Not really but it’s the facility’s philosophy at this point. We don’t let anyone walk the halls, they all have to be in their rooms 24/7 or they get screamed at. That’s the nurse’s doings btw. MDs sit behind the desk and either sign paperwork, or administer booty juice. It’s a literal old people prison here. Someone cracked their head open a month or two ago and it took EMTs 40 minutes to arrive at the scene, it was on the first floor and the hospital is a legitimate 6 minute drive to and from. A woman died yesterday because her 02 tank was empty and nobody changed it. When the PCAs stick their necks out for the residents, we get bitched at for doing so. Like what if this was your mother? Would you want her locked up in a room in bed all day?? Loosing their ability to walk because the nurses don’t let them walk around??? It’s so sickening what happens here. When we try to advocate for the resident like if they have pain or anything, they say they do it for attention and don’t give them any pain killers. I’ve witnessed and read the bottle before they give them placebos and tell them it’s morphine because they’re old and gone. I’m only here because I need pay. But when I am here I actually give a fuck about the elderly people that LIVE here. These nurses just became nurses for money and it’s so sickening. If you’re in health care and you do this for money, please get the hell out. It’s one thing coming for money and also caring about the people that live here, but coming here for money then treating the elderly like shit because you think they’ll forget or are too weak to fight back? My god man. I can’t wait to finish some things up to leave my current state and live elsewhere. I’m 100% talking to a union rep and whistle blowing this place into oblivion before I leave. Why come to health care just to abuse old people?

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