
I told the micromanager No today

To preface, I work in a production warehouse for a major Bank, formerly as an operator on our A side but got promoted to a desk job looking over paperwork on our B side. We started some paperwork our operators have to fill out for each job months ago and are just now being able to train them in how to fill it out. I've been given oversight of the sheets since the beginning (ie. They showed up on my desk one day with no warning and I was told to look for errors) and it's so frustrating handing off these errors when I know the feedback is going to be way late and noones taught them shit yet. The operators hate them and I don't blame them, it takes forever to fill out and is redundant with information they already put down elsewhere. MM (micromanager) is second in command…

To preface, I work in a production warehouse for a major Bank, formerly as an operator on our A side but got promoted to a desk job looking over paperwork on our B side. We started some paperwork our operators have to fill out for each job months ago and are just now being able to train them in how to fill it out. I've been given oversight of the sheets since the beginning (ie. They showed up on my desk one day with no warning and I was told to look for errors) and it's so frustrating handing off these errors when I know the feedback is going to be way late and noones taught them shit yet. The operators hate them and I don't blame them, it takes forever to fill out and is redundant with information they already put down elsewhere.

MM (micromanager) is second in command of the whole site but primarily works on the A Side where I got to see how self serving he really was. He just started wandering to our side of the warehouse two months ago and be suse of his status, even his bad ideas have to be listened to. As I knew and everyone else came to find out, MM has a compulsive need to be involved in everything, even when he has no clue what he's talking about.

Cut to today, I jump in their daily huddle and finally get to tell them we're doing training, no managers, so they can give input on what to change and tell me how they really feel. MM jumps in and says he's going to jump in. I flat out said “No, we can talk to my boss about that because I was told No Managers” It felt good, y'all, to tell that professional back patter no. Workers deserve a forum to air their greivances without manager oversight and I know it's a small victory, but it's one I'm proud of.

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