
Representation in Seattle.

Hello, My wife is being wrongfully dismissed due to taking leave from work after having sprained both ankles in an accident. She tried going to work in her crutches and was sent home immediately. Since then she has gotten better and showed up to work with an all clear from her Dr. A few days later she was called in and told she is under investigation and will be terminated by the end of the week, for misusing her LOA and sick time. She has presented all of the proof of her injuries in the form of Dr’s diagnosis and the x-rays but that doesn’t seem to matter because they just spend every day questioning her every minute detail and telling her that in situations like hers the person always gets fired. Mind that all of these meetings and questions are done in the presence of her Union rep who…

Hello, My wife is being wrongfully dismissed due to taking leave from work after having sprained both ankles in an accident. She tried going to work in her crutches and was sent home immediately. Since then she has gotten better and showed up to work with an all clear from her Dr.
A few days later she was called in and told she is under investigation and will be terminated by the end of the week, for misusing her LOA and sick time. She has presented all of the proof of her injuries in the form of Dr’s diagnosis and the x-rays but that doesn’t seem to matter because they just spend every day questioning her every minute detail and telling her that in situations like hers the person always gets fired. Mind that all of these meetings and questions are done in the presence of her Union rep who has not spoken a single word or done a single thing in her support. They seem to deduct her dues very quickly and easily from every one of her pay checks but can’t seem to represent her when she needs it. In other words. Does anybody know a good Labor lawyer that can help deal with the Labor Board and NLRB in this matter?

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