
Came so close to walking out yesterday

I. Hate. Old people. And that's my job. Going into their houses and cleaning. Well yesterday I vacuumed this woman's laundry room. She then told me to take out the trash and vaguelly pointed in two directions for things she wanted me to empty them into. I was obviously confused and asked her if she meant the kitchen trash or what because I genuinely had no clue wtf this woman was gesturing towards. My questions kept getting answered with “This” points incoherently and “That” points to a trash can in the living room . Turns out she was pointing to the barely-full (like under 1/4 full) vacuum cleaner. I figured she was gesturing towards the trash in the bedroom bc at this point was just guessing. Found out later what she meant through the following conversation: “YOU DID NOT.” “I didn't what?” “SWEEPER.” “I didn't sweep? Are you trying to…

I. Hate. Old people.

And that's my job. Going into their houses and cleaning. Well yesterday I vacuumed this woman's laundry room. She then told me to take out the trash and vaguelly pointed in two directions for things she wanted me to empty them into. I was obviously confused and asked her if she meant the kitchen trash or what because I genuinely had no clue wtf this woman was gesturing towards. My questions kept getting answered with “This” points incoherently and “That” points to a trash can in the living room . Turns out she was pointing to the barely-full (like under 1/4 full) vacuum cleaner. I figured she was gesturing towards the trash in the bedroom bc at this point was just guessing. Found out later what she meant through the following conversation:


“I didn't what?”


“I didn't sweep? Are you trying to say I didn't vacuum? What?”

“you didn't empty it out GOD DAMNIT.”

Cue her being pissy for like an hour or two till her son came to visit. I was so close to turning my two weeks notice into a 2 day notice. Problem would have easily been avoided if she had just used her fuckin big girl words (She does not have problems speaking except for the occasional mispronunciation of words btw so no excuse) and said “Empty out the vacuum cannister”

Almost told her her day was gonna get worse because I was going to finish sweeping and the cleaning and then leave and not come back. Quitting anyway tf they gonna do fire me? Be my guest. I'm tired of being expected to be a mind reader because this bitch is always claiming I did/didn't do shit that I “Was told to do”.

Example 2: Used to clean the counters with these alcohol wipes, which is what she told me to use in the following way: “You've BEEN TOLD to use those wipes in the bathroom to clean” (I had not been lol)

Cue like a month later apparently that's not ok anymore and I “Should know” not to clean the countertops with them and “I've been told” to use the rags. Cue another month or two…she tried to get on my ass for cleaning the countertops with the rags she got on my ass for not using. Just typing this out is making me want to walk out rn (She sleeps a lot and I admit I use my phone a lot because she has a 5 hour visit and the cleaning takes like maybe an hour and 30 minutes if I go fast + her being awake is an opportunity for her to bitch so I'm trying to prolong the time till I have to vacuum to as long as possible) and cut that two weeks notice short because it's not like this company gets many two weeks notices anyway. Anyway I hope the next worker she gets is someone who just sits there on their phone refuses to clean at all, steals from her and smokes in the house till she gets fired because plenty of the people in this company are like that. Good fucking riddance. I've cared for elderly people with severe dementia that act less like a fucking toddler. Don't even want to vacuum because I'm sure this stupid ass woman will find something to throw a fucking 3 yo tantrum over.

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